All honey bees shipped or moved into the State of Mississippi shall be accompanied by a certificate of inspection signed by the State Entomologist, State Apiary Inspector or corresponding official of the state or country from which such bees are shipped or moved. Such certificate shall certify to the apparent freedom of the bees and […]
The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce shall have full and plenary power to deal with Africanized honey bees (Apris mellifera scutellata) and with American and European foul brood, and all other contagious or infectious diseases and parasites of honey bees which, in its opinion, may be prevented, controlled or eradicated; and shall have full […]
The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, its agents and employees, shall have authority to enter any depot, express office, storeroom, warehouse or premises for the purpose of inspecting any honey bees or beekeeping fixtures or appliances therein or thought to be therein, for the purpose of ascertaining whether said bees or fixtures are infected […]
The shipment or movement into this state of any used or secondhand beehives, honey combs, frames or other beekeeping fixtures is hereby prohibited except under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article or of the rules or regulations of the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, adopted in accordance with the provisions thereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than Five […]