There is hereby continued a separate and distinct department of insurance, which shall be charged with the execution of all laws (except as otherwise specifically provided by statute) now in force, or which may hereafter be enacted, relative to all insurance and all insurance companies, corporations, associations, or orders.
The Department of Insurance shall have a seal, around the margin of which shall appear the words “Commissioner of Insurance, Mississippi,” with the image of an eagle in the center and thirteen (13) stars over the head of the eagle. Each certificate and other official paper executed by the commissioner under authority of law and […]
The commissioner shall furnish to the Auditor on or before the tenth day of each month a statement, in detail, of the taxes and licenses received by him under this title during the previous month, and shall pay to the Treasurer the amount in full of such taxes and licenses. The State Tax Commission shall […]
The commissioner shall, on or before the first day of May, annually, make a report to the governor, which shall show all of his official acts; the condition of all insurance companies within the meaning of this title, doing business in this state, accompanied by a condensation of their reports to him arranged in proper […]
Compliance with the provisions of this title as to deposits, obligations, prohibitions, and the payment of taxes, fees, and penalties by and upon foreign insurance companies or other insurers may be enforced by the commissioner by suit in the name of the state.
The state insurance commissioner is hereby authorized, empowered and directed, in his discretion, to promulgate such regulations as may properly apply to the writing of group insurance on state officials and employees. Such insurance shall be optional with any one or all of said state officials or employees.
The commissioner shall keep in his office for public inspection all reports received by him, a record of all his proceedings, including a concise statement of the result of official examinations, an exhibit of the financial condition and methods of all insurers under his supervision, as disclosed by their statements or by official examination, and […]
Before granting a certificate of authority to any insurance company organized under the laws of another state or government, the commissioner shall be satisfied that it is qualified to transact business under the laws of the state in which it has its principal office, and also as to its financial ability and condition.
Whenever the Commissioner of Insurance deems it prudent for the protection of the policyholders in this state, he shall in like manner visit and examine, or cause to be visited and examined by some competent person or persons he may appoint for that purpose, any foreign insurance company applying for admission or already admitted to […]
Whenever it shall appear to the commissioner, upon examination or other evidence, that a foreign insurance company is in an unsound condition, or upon notification by the State Tax Commission that the company is delinquent in the payment of taxes due the state, or that it has failed to comply with the law, or that […]
The chief officer of the department shall be denominated the Commissioner of Insurance, who shall be elected at the general election as other state officers, and who shall possess the same qualifications as required for the Secretary of State. His term of office shall be four (4) years, as that of other state officials. No […]
When, in the judgment of the Insurance Commissioner, or upon request by the State Tax Commission, an audit, examination, or inspection of the books, records, invoices, papers, memoranda, or other data appears to be required or necessary to determine the assessment of a tax, or to establish a tax liability, or to verify a payment […]
When the insurance commissioner shall elect to audit, examine, or inspect the books, records, papers, invoices, memoranda, or other data of a taxpayer at his principal place of business outside this state, he shall designate, in writing, his agent or agents, employee or employees, to make the audit, examination, or inspection at the principal place […]
The Commissioner of Insurance is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to offer a reward not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for information leading to the apprehension, indictment and conviction of any person, persons or organization of persons responsible for the willful destruction by fire or explosion of any real or personal property located within […]
The Department of Revenue shall pay for credit to a fund known as the “Municipal Fire Protection Fund,” the sum of Four Million Eight Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($4,850,000.00) annually out of the insurance premium tax collected annually from the taxes levied on the gross premiums on fire insurance policies written on properties in this […]
The Department of Revenue shall pay over to the State Treasurer, to be credited to a fund entitled “County Volunteer Fire Department Fund,” the sum of Four Million Eight Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($4,850,000.00) annually out of the insurance premium tax in addition to the amount collected by it under the provisions of Section 27-15-103 […]
The Commissioner of Insurance is hereby authorized and directed to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to establish a plan for the availability of commercial liability insurance contracts of owners’, landowners’ and tenants’ liability policies and manufacturers’ and contractors’ liability policies, covering bodily injury and property damage. The commissioner shall report on such plan to the […]
The Commissioner of Insurance may make use of any of the powers established under the insurance laws and regulations of this state to enforce the federal “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.” The commissioner may establish and, from time to time, amend the rules and regulations relating to the enforcement of and compliance […]
The Commissioner of Insurance may adopt any rules and regulations necessary to implement the provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-102), including, but not limited to, rules and regulations governing the disclosure by insurance licensees of nonpublic personal information.
The Commissioner of Insurance may make use of any of the powers established under the insurance laws and regulations of this state to establish a nonbinding, nonadversarial alternative dispute resolution procedure for the effective, fair and timely handling of personal lines insurance claims. The commissioner may establish and, from time to time, amend the rules […]