This chapter applies to all forms of property and casualty insurance on risks or operations in this state by any insurer authorized to do business in this state, except: Accident and health; Ocean marine insurance; Reinsurance; Aircraft liability and aircraft hull insurance; Title insurance; Credit accident and health insurance. As used in this chapter: “Advisory […]
The commissioner shall disapprove a rate or policy form or endorsement if the commissioner finds that the rate is unjustified, or the policy form or endorsement: Is in any respect in violation of or does not comply with this code; or Contains or incorporates by reference any inconsistent, ambiguous or misleading clauses or exceptions and […]
Every insurer or rate service organization shall furnish to any insured affected by a rate published by it all pertinent information as to such rate within a reasonable time after receipt of a written request and upon payment of a reasonable charge. Every insurer and rate service organization shall provide reasonable means whereby any person […]
No rate service organization other than the Rating Bureau established pursuant to Section 83-3-5 shall provide any service relating to the rates of any insurance subject to this chapter, and no insurer shall utilize the services of such organization for such purposes unless the organization has obtained a license. A rate service organization may perform […]
An advisory organization shall not provide any service relating to the rates of any insurer subject to this chapter, and an insurer shall not utilize the services of an advisory organization for such purposes, unless the advisory organization has registered under subsection (3). A registered advisory organization may perform one or more of the authorized […]
An insurer may not agree with any other insurer to adhere to or use any rate or supplementary rate information. The fact that an insurer adheres to or uses such material is not sufficient in itself to support a finding that an agreement to adhere or use exists, but such fact may supplement other evidence […]
Notwithstanding Section 83-2-21, insurers participating in joint underwriting, pools or residual market mechanisms may act in cooperation with each other in the making of rates, supplementary rate information, policy forms, underwriting rules, surveys, inspections and investigations, the furnishing of loss or expense statistics or other such information and in the conduct of research in connection […]
The commissioner may examine any insurer, advisory organization, rate service organization, pool or residual market mechanism to ascertain compliance with this chapter. Every insurer, advisory organization, rate service organization, pool and residual market mechanism shall maintain records of the type and kind reasonably adapted to its method of operation. Such records shall contain the experience, […]
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit or regulate the payment of dividends, savings or unabsorbed premium deposits allowed or returned by insurers to their policyholders, members or subscribers. A plan for the payment of dividends, savings or unabsorbed premium deposits allowed or returned by insurers to their policyholders, members or subscribers shall […]
If the commissioner finds that any person or organization has violated any provision of this chapter, the commissioner may impose a penalty in accordance with Section 83-5-85. Technical violations arising from systems or computer errors of the same type shall be treated as a single violation. In the event of an overcharge, if the insurer […]
Rates shall comply with the following standards: Rates shall not be excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory. A rate is excessive if it is likely to produce a profit that is unreasonably high for the insurance provided or if the expense provision included therein is unreasonably high in relation to the services rendered. A rate is […]
Any order issued by the commissioner under this chapter may be appealed to the Chancery Court of the First Judicial District of Hinds County in the manner provided by law. Where the order of the commissioner results in an increase or decrease in rates, any insurer affected thereby with leave of court, pending final disposition […]
All property and casualty insurance companies doing business in this state shall contribute annually, at such times as the Insurance Commissioner shall determine, in proportion to their gross premiums collected within the State of Mississippi during the preceding year, to a special fund in the State Treasury to be known as the “Insurance Department Fund” […]
This section applies to all forms of property and casualty insurance on risks or operations in this state by any insurer authorized to do business in this state, except: Accident and health; Ocean marine insurance; Reinsurance; Aircraft liability and aircraft hull insurance; Title insurance; Credit accident and health insurance. All such insurers shall pay to […]
Residual market mechanisms shall file with the commissioner all rates, supplementary rate information, supporting information, policy forms, and endorsements at least thirty (30) days before the proposed effective date. The commissioner may give written notice within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the filing that additional time, not to exceed thirty (30) days from […]
Except as provided in Section 83-2-9 and subsections (2) and (3) of this section, every insurer shall file with the commissioner all rates, supplementary rate information, policy forms and endorsements at least thirty (30) days prior to the proposed effective date which shall be stated in the filing. Rates, supplementary rate information, policy forms and […]
All rates, supplementary rate information, policy forms, endorsements and any supporting information filed under this chapter shall be open to public inspection at any reasonable time as soon as filed. Copies may be obtained by any person on request and upon payment of a reasonable charge. A rate in excess of that provided by a […]