Any incorporated society, order or supreme lodge, without capital stock, including one exempted under the provisions of Section 83-30-73(1) whether incorporated or not, conducted solely for the benefit of its members and their beneficiaries and not for profit, operated on a lodge system with ritualistic form of work, having more than Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) […]
A society is operating on the lodge system if it has a supreme governing body and subordinate lodges into which members are elected, initiated or admitted in accordance with its laws, rules and ritual. Subordinate lodges shall be required by the laws of the society to hold regular meetings at least once in each month […]
A society has a representative form of government when: It has a supreme governing body constituted in one of the following ways: Assembly. The supreme governing body is an assembly composed of delegates elected directly by the members or at intermediate assemblies or conventions of members or their representatives, together with other delegates as may […]
Whenever used in this chapter: “Benefit contract” shall mean the agreement for provision of benefits authorized by Section 83-30-31, as that agreement is described in Section 83-30-37(1). “Benefit member” shall mean an adult member who is designated by the laws or rules of the society to be a benefit member under a benefit contract. “Certificate” […]
A society shall operate for the benefit of members and their beneficiaries by: Providing benefits as specified in Section 83-30-31; and Operating for one or more social, intellectual, educational, charitable, benevolent, moral, fraternal, patriotic or religious purposes for the benefit of its members, which may also be extended to others. Such purposes may be carried […]