Standards of valuation for certificates issued prior to one (1) year after July 1, 2001, shall be those provided by the laws applicable immediately prior to July 1, 2001. The minimum standards of valuation for certificates issued on or after one (1) year from July 1, 2001, shall be based on the following tables: For […]
Every society transacting business in this state shall annually, on or before March 1, unless for cause shown such time has been extended by the commissioner, file with the commissioner a true statement of its financial condition, transactions and affairs for the preceding calendar year. The statement shall be in general form and context as […]
Societies which are now authorized to transact business in this state may continue such business until the first day of January next succeeding July 1, 2003, and the authority of such societies may hereafter be renewed annually, but in all cases to terminate on the first day of the succeeding January. However, a license so […]
The commissioner, or any person he or she may appoint, may examine any domestic, foreign or alien society transacting or applying for admission to transact business in this state in the same manner as authorized for examination of domestic, foreign or alien insurers. Requirements of notice and an opportunity to respond before findings are made […]
No foreign or alien society shall transact business in this state without a license issued by the commissioner. Any such society desiring admission to this state shall comply substantially with the requirements and limitations of this chapter applicable to domestic societies. Any such society may be licensed to transact business in this state upon filing […]
When the commissioner upon investigation finds that a domestic society: Has exceeded its powers; Has failed to comply with any provision of this chapter; Is not fulfilling its contracts in good faith; Has a membership of less than four hundred (400) after an existence of one (1) year or more; or Is conducting business fraudulently […]
When the commissioner upon investigation finds that a foreign or alien society transacting or applying to transact business in this state: Has exceeded its powers; Has failed to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter; Is not fulfilling its contracts in good faith; or Is conducting its business fraudulently or in a manner […]
No application for injunction against or proceeding for the dissolution of or the appointment of a receiver for any domestic society, or lodge thereof, or against any foreign or alien society, shall be entertained in any court of this state unless made by the Attorney General or the commissioner.
Agents of societies shall be licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17 of Title 83. No examination or license shall be required of any regular salaried officer, employee or member of a licensed society who devotes substantially all of his or her services to activities other than the solicitation of fraternal insurance contracts […]
Every society authorized to do business in this state shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 5 of Title 83 relating to unfair practices; provided, however, that nothing therein shall be construed as applying to or affecting the right of any society to determine its eligibility requirements for membership, or be construed as applying […]