A society shall specify in its laws or rules: Eligibility standards for each and every class of membership, provided that if benefits are provided on the lives of children, the minimum age for adult membership shall be set at not less than age fifteen (15) and not greater than age twenty-one (21); The process for […]
The principal office of any domestic society shall be located in this state. The meetings of its supreme governing body may be held in any state, district, province or territory wherein such society has at least one (1) subordinate lodge, or in such other location as determined by the supreme governing body, and all business […]
The officers and members of the supreme governing body or any subordinate body of a society shall not be personally liable for any benefits provided by a society. Any person may be indemnified and reimbursed by any society for expenses reasonably incurred by, and liabilities imposed upon, such person in connection with or arising out […]
The laws of the society may provide that no subordinate body, nor any of its subordinate officers or members shall have the power or authority to waive any of the provisions of the laws of the society. Such provision shall be binding on the society and every member and beneficiary of a member.