A society may provide the following contractual benefits in any form: Death benefits; Endowment benefits; Annuity benefits; Temporary or permanent disability benefits; Hospital, medical or nursing benefits; Funeral benefits; Monument or tombstone benefits to the memory of deceased members; and Such other benefits as authorized for life insurers and which are not inconsistent with this […]
The owner of a benefit contract shall have the right at all times to change the beneficiary or beneficiaries in accordance with the laws or rules of the society unless the owner waives this right by specifically requesting in writing that the beneficiary designation be irrevocable. A society may, through its laws or rules, limit […]
No money or other benefit, charity, relief or aid to be paid, provided or rendered by any society, shall be liable to attachment, garnishment or other process, or to be seized, taken, appropriated or applied by any legal or equitable process or operation of law to pay any debt or liability of a member or […]
Every society authorized to do business in this state shall issue to each owner of a benefit contract a certificate specifying the amount of benefits provided thereby. The certificate, together with any riders or endorsements attached thereto, the laws of the society, the application for membership, the application for insurance and declaration of insurability, if […]
For certificates issued prior to one (1) year after July 1, 2001, the value of every paid-up nonforfeiture benefit and the amount of any cash surrender value, loan or other option granted shall comply with the provisions of law applicable immediately prior to July 1, 2001. For certificates issued on or after one (1) year […]