Whenever any policy of hospital, medical, or surgical insurance issued or renewed after June 11, 1964, shall have been in continuous full force and effect for at least four (4) years with all premiums paid thereon, no insurance company chartered or authorized to do business in the State of Mississippi, or doing business herein, shall […]
Whenever any policy of insurance or any medical service plan or hospital service contract or hospital and medical service contract issued in this state provides for reimbursement for any visual service which is within the lawful scope of practice of a duly licensed optometrist as defined in Section 73-19-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, the insured […]
Any individual hospital or medical service plan contract or any individual hospital or medical expense insurance policy delivered or issued for delivery in this state after September 12, 1972, which provides that coverage of a dependent child shall terminate upon attainment of the limiting age for dependent children specified in the contract or policy, shall […]
Any group hospital or medical service plan contract or any group hospital or medical expense insurance policy delivered or issued for delivery in this state after September 12, 1972, which provides that coverage of a dependent child of an employee, insured party, or other member of the covered group shall terminate upon attainment of the […]
Whenever any policy of insurance or any medical service plan or hospital service contract or hospital and medical service contract issued in this state provides for reimbursement for any service which is within the lawful scope of practice of a duly licensed dentist, as defined by the laws of the State of Mississippi, the insured, […]
Whenever any policy of insurance or any medical service plan or hospital service contract or hospital and medical service contract issued in this state provides for reimbursement for any diagnosis and treatment of mental, nervous or emotional disorders only which are within the lawful scope of practice of a duly licensed psychologist as defined in […]
From and after January 1, 1999, whenever any policy of insurance or any medical service plan or hospital service contract or hospital and medical service contract issued, delivered, administered, continued or renewed in this state provides for reimbursement for any service which is within the lawful scope of practice of a duly certified nurse practitioner […]
A policy or contract providing for third-party payment or prepayment of health or medical expenses shall include a provision for the payment of necessary medical or surgical care and treatment provided by a duly certified nurse practitioner and performed within the scope of the license of the certified nurse practitioner if the policy or contract […]
Whenever any policy of insurance or any medical service plan or hospital service contract or hospital and medical service contract issued in this state provides for reimbursement for any service which is within the lawful scope of practice of a duly licensed chiropractor as defined in Section 73-6-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, then such service […]
Any health care service plan contract that provides hospital, outpatient, medical or surgical coverage that is issued, amended, delivered or renewed in this state shall include obstetricians/gynecologists as primary care physicians and allow direct access to obstetricians/gynecologists by female patients if the obstetrician/gynecologist otherwise meets the policy or contract requirements.
If any health insurance issuer or other health insurance benefit payer limits the time in which a health care provider or other person is required to submit a claim for payment, the health insurance issuer or other health insurance benefit payer shall have the same time limit following payment of the claim to perform any […]