All indemnity or guaranty companies, all companies, including those companies defined in Section 83-41-303(n), corporations, partnerships, associations, individuals and fraternal orders, whether domestic or foreign, transacting, or to be admitted to transact, the business of insurance in this state are insurance companies within the meaning of this chapter, and shall be subject to the inspection […]
When legal process is served upon the commissioner as attorney for an insurance company, he shall forthwith notify the company of such service by letter prepaid and directed to its secretary or, in the case of a foreign country, to its resident manager, if any, in the United States, and shall, within two (2) days […]
The general provisions of law relative to the powers, duties, and liabilities of corporations shall apply to all incorporated domestic insurance companies, so far as such provisions are pertinent and not in conflict with other provisions of law relative to such companies, or with their charters. All insurance companies in this state shall be governed […]
No insurance company admitted to do business in the state shall be authorized to transact more than one (1) class or kind of insurance, unless it shall pay the license fees for each class and have the requisite capital for each business engaged in. A life insurance company may do an accident business and a […]
The Commissioner of Insurance may, after notice and a hearing, revoke the authority of a domestic or foreign insurance company or impose an administrative fine, or both, if it violates or neglects to comply with any provision of law obligatory on it, and whenever in the opinion of the commissioner its condition is unsound, or […]
No insurance company, corporation, or association of individuals shall sell or offer to sell stock in any insurance company or any insurance agency company, or permit the same to be sold or offered for sale by any firm, company, corporation, or individual to any person or persons in Mississippi until the same secures a permit […]
If a judgment shall be rendered by any court in this state against any insurance company, and such judgment shall not be paid and satisfied within ninety (90) days after the same shall have become final, it shall be the imperative duty of the commissioner, immediately upon being advised that such judgment has not been […]
Every company transacting a fire, marine, inland, accident or casualty, surety or fidelity, or other insurance business, except life, in this state shall be required to set aside as a legal reserve to protect the holders of its policy contracts in this state the pro rata unearned portion of the premium paid for such contract, […]
No life insurance company, mutual aid association, fraternal benefit society, order, or association, or stipulated premium companies operating in this state shall hereafter be permitted to issue policies, certificates, or contracts to policyholders or members providing for the establishment of its policyholders or members into divisions and classes for the purpose of providing for the […]
No stock, mutual, reciprocal, or other insurer shall make available to any resident or group of residents of this state, through any rating plan or form, fire, inland marine, casualty or surety insurance, or type or combination thereof, whether by master policy, series of policies, certificates of insurance, or otherwise, to any person, firm, corporation, […]
A cancellation, reduction in coverage or nonrenewal of liability insurance coverage, fire insurance coverage or single premium multiperil insurance coverage is not effective as to any coverage issued or renewed after June 30, 1989, unless notice is mailed or delivered to the insured and to any named creditor loss payee by the insurer not less […]
The purpose of Sections 83-5-29 through 83-5-51 is to regulate trade practices in the business of insurance in accordance with the intent of Congress as expressed in the Act of Congress of March 9, 1945 (Public Law 15, 79th Congress), by defining, or providing for the determination of, all such practices in this state which […]
Every insurance company, foreign or domestic, that qualifies to do business in the State of Mississippi shall be required to execute an agreement to be bound by the statute laws of the State of Mississippi pertaining to the periods of limitation prescribed by the statute law of this state. The insurance commissioner is hereby required, […]
Any insurer selling property and casualty insurance shall not withdraw, cancel or fail to renew any line of insurance or class of business without giving notice in writing sixty (60) days in advance to the Commissioner of Insurance. Any failure to give notice may result in a fine of up to Two Thousand Five Hundred […]
When used in Sections 83-5-29 through 83-5-51: “Person” shall mean any individual, corporation, association, partnership, reciprocal exchange, mutual, interinsurer, Lloyds insurer, fraternal benefit society, and any other legal entity engaged in the business of insurance, including agents, solicitors, brokers, and adjusters. “Commissioner” shall mean the commissioner of insurance of this state.
No person shall engage in this state in any trade practice which is defined in Sections 83-5-29 through 83-5-51 as, or determined pursuant to said sections to be, an unfair method of competition or an unfair or deceptive act or practice in the business of insurance.
The following are hereby defined as unfair methods of competition and unfair and deceptive acts or practices in the business of insurance: Misrepresentations and false advertising of policy contracts.- Making, issuing, circulating, or causing to be made, issued, or circulated, any estimate, illustration, circular, or statement misrepresenting the terms of any policy issued or to […]
The commissioner shall have power to examine and investigate into the affairs of every person engaged in the business of insurance in this state in order to determine whether such person has been or is engaged in any unfair method of competition or in any unfair or deceptive act or practice prohibited by Section 83-5-33.
Whenever the commissioner shall have reason to believe that any such person has been engaged or is engaging in this state in any unfair method of competition or any unfair or deceptive act or practice defined in Section 83-5-35, and that a proceeding by him in respect thereto would be to the interest of the […]
If, after such hearing, the commissioner shall determine that the method of competition or the act or practice in question is defined in Section 83-5-35, and that the person complained of has engaged in such method of competition, act or practice in violation of Sections 83-5-29 through 83-5-51, he shall reduce his findings to writing […]