Any person required by an order of the commissioner under Section 83-5-41 to cease and desist from engaging in any unfair method of competition or any unfair or deceptive act or practice defined in Section 83-5-35 may obtain a review of such order by filing in the Circuit Court of Hinds County, within thirty (30) […]
Whenever the commissioner shall have reason to believe that any person engaged in the business of insurance is engaging in this state in any method of competition or in any act or practice in the conduct of such business which is not defined in Section 83-5-35, that such method of competition is unfair or that […]
If the report of the commissioner does not charge a violation of Sections 83-5-29 through 83-5-51, then any intervenor in the proceedings may, within ten (10) days after the service of such report, cause a notice of appeal to be filed in the Circuit Court of Hinds County for a review of such report. Upon […]
Any person who willfully violates a cease and desist order of the commissioner under Section 83-5-41, after it has become final, and while such order is in effect, shall, upon proof thereof to the satisfaction of the court, forfeit and pay to the commissioner for the use of the public schools of the county or […]
When consistent with the context and not obviously used in a different sense, the term “company” or “insurance company”, as used in this chapter, includes all corporations, associations, partnerships, or individuals engaged as principals in the business of insurance or guaranteeing the obligations of others. The word “domestic” designates those companies or other insurers incorporated […]
Sections 83-5-29 through 83-5-51 are hereby declared to be cumulative and supplemental to all other valid statutes relating to insurance companies, agents, solicitors, and brokers, and do not repeal or amend any existing statutes.
It shall be the duty of the commissioner to make available upon request, at the expense of the requesting insurance company, blank forms for statements, which forms may be by him from time to time changed, as may be requisite to secure full information as to the standing, condition, and such other information desired of […]
Every insurance company shall file with the Commissioner of Insurance, on or before the first day of March of each year, a statement showing the business standing and financial condition of the company and sworn to by the president or vice president and secretary or treasurer or chief managing agent or officer of such company. […]
Every fire insurance company now or hereafter admitted shall annually, and at such other times as the said commissioner may require, in addition to all the returns now, by law, required of it or its agents or managers, make a return to the insurance commissioner in such form and detail as may be prescribed by […]
It shall be the duty of the commissioner to receive and thoroughly examine each annual statement required by this chapter and, if made in compliance with the law of Mississippi, to publish at the expense of the company an abstract of the same in one of the newspapers of the state, to be selected by […]
All corporations, firms, persons, or individuals obtaining insurance on property situate in this state owned by corporations, firms, or individuals resident therein, against fire, lightning, or tornado from companies, associations, firms, or corporations not authorized to transact business in this state, shall file with the insurance commissioner of the state a sworn statement or declaration, […]
Any corporation, firm, person, or individual, resident in this state, who shall obtain or have possession of policies of insurance against loss by fire, lightning, or tornado on property situate in this state issued by companies, associations, firms, corporations, or individuals not authorized to transact the business of insurance in this state without complying with […]
It shall be the duty of any person having in his possession or control any books, accounts, or papers of any person licensed under this chapter to exhibit the same to the commissioner on demand. On refusing to do so or knowingly or wilfully making any false statement in regard to the same, such person […]
If the commissioner shall become satisfied at any time that any statements made by any person licensed under this chapter shall be untrue, or in case the general agent should fail or refuse to obey the provisions of this chapter, the commissioner shall have power to revoke and cancel such license.
Any company that neglects to make and file its quarterly and annual statement within the time provided in this chapter shall pay to the Commissioner of Insurance One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each day’s neglect, which penalty shall be deposited into the special fund in the State Treasury designated as the “Insurance Department Fund”; and […]
It shall be unlawful for any company to make any contract of insurance upon or concerning any property or interest or lives in this state, or with any resident thereof, or for any person as insurance agent or insurance broker to make, negotiate, solicit, or in any manner aid in the transaction of such insurance […]
The licenses issued under this chapter shall continue for the next ensuing twelve (12) months after June 1 of each year unless sooner revoked or suspended by the commissioner.
All life, health and accident insurance companies and health maintenance organizations doing business in this state shall contribute annually, at such times as the Insurance Commissioner shall determine, in proportion to their gross premiums collected within the State of Mississippi during the preceding year, to a special fund in the State Treasury to be known […]
The commissioner shall collect and pay into the special fund in the State Treasury designated as the “Insurance Department Fund” the following fees: for certificate of authority to each general or district agent or manager, Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00); for filing and processing an agent’s certificate of authority, Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00); for filing and examining statement […]
For all larger fraternal orders, as defined in Section 83-30-1, the commissioner shall collect charges as provided in Section 83-5-73, as well as all other fees and charges due and payable by any company, association, order or individual in his department. If a fraternal order would not be considered a larger fraternal order under Section […]