Every insurer domiciled in this state shall file a report with the Commissioner of Insurance disclosing material acquisitions and dispositions of assets or material nonrenewals, cancellations or revisions of ceded reinsurance agreements unless the acquisitions and dispositions of assets or material nonrenewals, cancellations or revisions of ceded reinsurance agreements have been submitted to the commissioner […]
No acquisitions or dispositions of assets need be reported under Section 83-5-351 if the acquisitions or dispositions are not material. For purposes of Sections 83-5-351 through 83-5-357, a material acquisition or the aggregate of any series of related acquisitions during any thirty-day period or disposition or the aggregate of any series of related dispositions during […]
No nonrenewals, cancellations or revisions of ceded reinsurance agreements need be reported under Section 83-5-351 if the nonrenewals, cancellations or revisions are not material. For purposes of Sections 83-5-351 through 83-5-357, a material nonrenewal, cancellation or revision is one that affects: As respects property and casualty business, including accident and health business written by a […]
The commissioner, after notices and hearings, may promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of Sections 83-5-351 through 83-5-357.