The term “policy of accident and sickness insurance,” as used in Sections 83-9-1 through 83-9-21, includes any individual or group policy or contract of insurance against loss resulting from sickness or from bodily injury, including dental care expenses resulting from sickness or bodily injury, or death by accident, or accidental means, or both.
The insured shall not be bound by any statement made in an application for a policy unless a copy of such application is attached to or endorsed on the policy when issued as a part thereof. If any such policy delivered or issued for delivery to any person in this state shall be reinstated or […]
The acknowledgment by any insurer of the receipt of notice given under any policy covered by Sections 83-9-1 through 83-9-21, or the furnishing of forms for filing proofs of loss, or the acceptance of such proofs, or the investigation of any claim thereunder, shall not operate as a waiver of any of the rights of […]
If any such policy contains a provision establishing, as an age limit or otherwise, a date after which the coverage provided by the policy will not be effective, and if such date falls within a period for which premium is accepted by the insurer or if the insurer accepts a premium after such date, the […]
Nothing in Sections 83-9-1 through 83-9-21 shall apply to or affect (a) any policy of workmen’s compensation insurance or any policy of liability insurance with or without supplementary coverage therein; or (b) any policy or contract of reinsurance; or (c) life insurance, endowment or annuity contracts, or contracts supplemental thereto, which contain only such provisions […]
Any person, partnership, or corporation wilfully violating any provision of Sections 83-9-1 through 83-9-21, or order of the commissioner made in accordance with said sections, shall forfeit to the people of the state a sum not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for each such violation, which may be […]
Any order or decision of the commissioner under Sections 83-9-1 through 83-9-21 shall be subject to review by appeal (writ of certiorari) to the circuit court at the instance of any party in interest. The filing of the appeal (petition for such writ) shall operate as a stay of any such order or decision until […]
Notwithstanding any other provision of the law to the contrary, no health coverage plan shall restrict coverage for medically appropriate treatment prescribed by a physician and agreed to by a fully informed insured, or if the insured lacks legal capacity to consent by a person who has legal authority to consent on his or her […]
Any insurance company authorized to do business of health insurance in this state may join with one or more other such insurance companies to offer to any resident of this state who is sixty-five (65) years of age or older, and to the spouse of such resident, insurance against major financial loss from accident or […]
As used in this section, the following terms shall be defined as provided in this subsection: “Anti-cancer medication” means drugs and biologics that are used to kill, slow, or prevent the growth of cancerous cells. “Health plan or policy” means any hospital, health or medical expense insurance policy, hospital or medical service contract, employee welfare […]
Every individual accident and health policy or service contract, except travel or nonrenewable accident policies, issued for delivery in the State of Mississippi on or after July 1, 1971, by an insurance company, nonprofit hospital service plan, or medical service corporation shall have printed thereon or attached thereto a notice stating, in substance, that the […]
Except as otherwise provided herein, a health insurance policy shall provide coverage for the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of autism spectrum disorder. To the extent that the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of autism spectrum disorder are not already covered by a health insurance policy, coverage under this section will be included in health insurance policies […]
Notwithstanding any provision of any policy of accident or sickness insurance as defined by Section 83-9-1, issued on or after January 1, 1975, whenever such policy provides for the reimbursement for loss resulting from sickness, or from bodily injury by accidental means, or both, said reimbursement shall include health service benefits to any insured or […]
The provisions of Sections 83-9-27 through 83-9-31 shall apply only to group policies or group plans of health affording coverage from sickness, or bodily injury by accidental means, or both, or nonprofit health plans corporations regulated by the Mississippi Insurance Commission issued or renewed after January 1, 1975. The provisions of Sections 83-9-27 through 83-9-31 […]
No policy of accident and sickness insurance shall be delivered or issued for delivery to any person in this state unless: The entire money and other considerations therefor are expressed therein; and The time at which the insurance takes effect and terminates is expressed therein; and It purports to insure only one (1) person, except […]
The coverage required under Section 83-9-27 shall not exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) during any calendar year, and shall extend only to treatment and services rendered by a physician and hospitals licensed by the state wherein the service or hospitalization is rendered.
Every hospital, health or medical expenses insurance policy, hospital or medical service contract, health maintenance organization and preferred provider organization that is delivered or issued for delivery in this state and otherwise provides anesthesia benefits shall offer benefits for anesthesia and for associated facility charges when the mental or physical condition of the child or […]
All individual and group health insurance policies providing coverage on an expense incurred basis and individual and group service or indemnity type contracts issued after January 1, 1980, by an insurer or nonprofit corporation which provides coverage for a family member of the insured or subscriber shall, as to such family members’ coverage, also provide […]
In this section, “health benefit plan” means a plan that provides benefits for medical or surgical expenses incurred as a result of a health condition, accident or sickness and that is offered by any insurance company, group hospital service corporation or health maintenance organization that delivers or issues for delivery an individual, group, blanket or […]
This section shall apply to any health benefit plan that provides coverage to two (2) or more employees of an employer in this state if any of the following conditions are satisfied: Any portion of the premium or benefits is paid by or on behalf of the employer; An eligible employee or dependent is reimbursed, […]