US Lawyer Database

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§ 83-9-201. Short title

Sections 83-9-201 through 83-9-222 shall be known and may be cited as the “Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool Association Act.”

§ 83-9-203. Purpose

It is the purpose of the Legislature to establish a mechanism to allow the availability of a health insurance program and to allow the availability of health and accident insurance coverage to those citizens of this state who (a) because of health conditions cannot secure such coverage, or (b) desire to obtain or continue health […]

§ 83-9-205. Definitions

As used in Sections 83-9-201 through 83-9-222, the following words shall have the meaning ascribed herein unless the context clearly requires otherwise: “Association” means the Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool Association. “Board” means the board of directors of the association. “Church plan” has the meaning given such term under Section 3(33) of the Employee Retirement […]

§ 83-9-213. General powers and duties of association; liability of Commissioner of Insurance, administrator, board of directors, etc.; powers and duties of Department of Insurance

The association shall: Establish administrative and accounting procedures for the operation of the association. Establish procedures under which applicants and participants in the plan may have grievances reviewed by an impartial body and reported to the board. Select an administering insurer in accordance with Section 83-9-215. Collect the assessments provided in Section 83-9-217 from insurers […]

§ 83-9-217. Assessments against insurers

For the purpose of providing the funds necessary to carry out the powers and duties of the association, the board of directors shall assess the member insurers at such time and for such amounts as the board finds necessary. Assessments shall be due not less than thirty (30) days after prior written notice to the […]

§ 83-9-219. Insurance of plan coverage; issuance of policies

The coverage provided by the plan shall be directly insured by the association, and the policies shall be issued through the administering insurer. Subject to the approval of the commissioner, the association may close enrollment in, and/or cease to offer the coverage provided by, the plan at any time upon a determination by the board […]