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Home » US Law » 2020 Mississippi Code » Title 97 - Crimes » Chapter 41 - Cruelty to Animals

§ 97-41-1. Living creatures not to be cruelly treated

Except as otherwise provided in Section 97-41-16 for a dog or cat, if any person shall intentionally or with criminal negligence override, overdrive, overload, torture, torment, unjustifiably injure, deprive of necessary sustenance, food, or drink; or cruelly beat or needlessly mutilate; or cause or procure to be overridden, overdriven, overloaded, tortured, unjustifiably injured, tormented, or […]

§ 97-41-11. Fighting animals or cocks

Any person who shall keep or use, or in any way be connected with or interested in the management of, or shall receive money for the admission of any person to, any place kept or used for the purpose of fighting any bear, cock or other creature, except a dog, or of tormenting or torturing […]

§ 97-41-13. Penalty for violating certain sections

Any person who shall violate any of Sections 97-41-3 to 97-41-11, or Section 97-27-7 on the subject of cruelty to animals shall, on conviction, be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than one hundred […]

§ 97-41-16. Mississippi Dog and Cat Pet Protection Law of 2011; legislative intent; simple cruelty; aggravated cruelty; penalty; restitution; activities not constituting cruelty to dog or cat; immunity for good faith reporting of suspected cruelty; registration of organizations that have purpose of protection of or prevention of cruelty to dogs and cats

The provisions of this section shall be known and may be cited as the “Mississippi Dog and Cat Pet Protection Law of 2011.” The intent of the Legislature in enacting this law is to provide only for the protection of domesticated dogs and cats, as these are the animals most often serving as the loyal […]

§ 97-41-17. Poisons; administering to animals

Every person who shall willfully and unlawfully administer any poison to any horse, mare, colt, mule, jack, jennet, cattle, deer, dog, cat, hog, sheep, chicken, duck, goose, turkey, pea-fowl, guinea-fowl, or partridge, or shall maliciously expose any poison substance with intent that the same should be taken or swallowed by any horse, mare, colt, mule, […]

§ 97-41-19. Dog fights

If any person (a) shall sponsor, promote, stage or conduct a fight or fighting match between dogs, or (b) shall wager or bet, promote or encourage the wagering or betting of any money or other valuable thing upon any such fight or upon the result thereof, or (c) shall own or possess a dog with […]

§ 97-41-2. Authority to seize maltreated, neglected, or abandoned animals

All courts in the State of Mississippi may order the seizure of an animal by a law enforcement agency, for its care and protection upon a finding of probable cause to believe said animal is being cruelly treated, neglected or abandoned. Such probable cause may be established upon sworn testimony of any person who has […]

§ 97-41-23. Injury and killing of public service animals; penalties

It is unlawful for any person to willfully and maliciously taunt, torment, tease, beat, strike, or to administer, expose or inject any desensitizing drugs, chemicals or substance to any public service animal. Any person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than Two Hundred […]

§ 97-41-3. Authority to kill injured, neglected, etc. animals other than dogs or cats; authorization to euthanize injured, diseased, etc. dog or cat under certain circumstances; immunity of persons acting in good faith and without malice pursuant to section

Any sheriff, constable, policeman, or agent of a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals may kill, or cause to be killed, any animal other than a dog or cat found neglected or abandoned, if in the opinion of three (3) respectable citizens it is injured or diseased past recovery, or by age has […]