When any officer or five or more reputable citizens of any county shall file a petition with any mayor or justice of the peace of any county stating that they have reason to believe, and do believe, that a certain person or persons have knowledge touching a violation of the criminal law against the sale, […]
No property rights shall exist in any person, natural or artificial, or be vested in them in any intoxicating liquors or intoxicating drinks prohibited by Chapter 31 of Title 97, Mississippi Code of 1972 or this chapter from being manufactured, or distilled, or sold, or possessed, nor shall any property rights exist in such persons […]
If any person claims the intoxicating liquors seized on any of the appliances either for handling, making, possessing, or transporting which have been seized, he may put in his claim therefor under oath stating in detail why said property, or any of it so seized, should not be destroyed, or sold for the benefit of […]
Upon the affidavit of any credible person that he has reason to believe and does believe: (1) That intoxicating liquor is being stored, kept, owned, controlled, or possessed, in violation of the laws of the state, at any designated place or within any designated receptacle, which place is to be stated in the affidavit; or […]
The form of affidavit may be as follows: Affidavit for search warrant. “State of Mississippi, County. This day personally appeared before me, the undersigned officer of said county, of said county, who is known to be a credible person, who upon his oath says that he has reason to believe, and does believe, that intoxicating […]
The form of search warrant may be as follows: Search Warrant. “State of Mississippi, County. To any lawful officer of County: Whereas, has this day made complaint on oath, before the undersigned officer in and for said county, that he has reason to believe, and does believe, that intoxicating liquor is being (strike out any […]
It shall be the duty of any sheriff or constable of a county, or any sheriff, constable or marshal, or policeman in a municipality who has reason to believe and does believe that intoxicating liquor is being transported in violation of law, in any wagon, cart, buggy, automobile, motorcycle, motor truck, water or air craft, […]
Except as authorized in Section 67-1-51(1), any club, vessel or boat, place or room where liquors are found, kept or possessed on any boat or vessel used in any of the waters of this state in conveying any intoxicating liquors or any person with intoxicating liquor in their possession or under their control into or […]
Any chartered club or incorporated association of persons under the laws of Mississippi that is guilty of violating any of the provisions of Chapter 31 of Title 97, Mississippi Code of 1972 or this chapter or maintains or keeps any such place as hereinabove described, shall forfeit its charter, and such forfeiture may be declared […]
In the prosecutions of violations of Chapter 31 of Title 97, Mississippi Code of 1972, or this chapter any common carrier, or any other person or transportation agency doing business in the State of Mississippi shall be required to produce any books, documents, or records in its possession or under its control throwing any light […]
It shall be the duty of every railroad company, express company, or other common carrier, and of every person, firm or corporation, that shall transport any of the alcohol or wine mentioned into the state from any points or places for the purpose of delivery and who shall deliver such alcohol or wine, or either […]
When said mayor or justice shall be ready to take the testimony of a witness or witnesses so summoned he may do so on private examination or in public, or he may admit such persons as he may deem advisable, but all the testimony so taken shall be in writing and subscribed to under oath […]
It shall be the duty of every railroad company, express company, or other carrier, and of every person, firm or corporation, that shall transport any of the alcohol or wine authorized, and who shall deliver such alcohol or wine or either of them in this state, to file with the clerk of the circuit court […]
It shall be the duty of the circuit clerk to immediately file the statement required by Section 99-27-31, as a part of the records in his office, and to preserve such statement, or statements, for a period of twelve months, after which time they may be destroyed, and (1) permit any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, […]
In all prosecutions under Chapter 31 of Title 97, Mississippi Code of 1972 and this chapter for unlawful shipments of liquors, bitters, or drinks prohibited by the laws of the state to be sold, bartered or otherwise disposed of in this state, the offense shall be held to have been committed in any county of […]
The board of supervisors of any county in this state and mayor and board of aldermen, or board of aldermen and councilmen, as the case may be, of any municipality in this state are hereby authorized and empowered to appropriate, from time to time, sums of money, not exceeding one-third (1/3) of the fines which […]
Any person who may sell or give away malt, vinous or spirituous liquors unlawfully, or who shall allow the same to be sold or given away at his place of business, for any purpose whatever, or shall knowingly permit any person not interested in or connected with such business to keep and drink or give […]
The chancery court shall have concurrent jurisdiction with courts of law to entertain suits under Section 99-27-39 for the enforcement thereof, instituted by the state, county, or any city, town or village, or by any taxpayer thereof, in the name of the state, county, city, town or village, or by the state tax commission, or […]
It shall be unlawful for any justice of the peace, with or without condition, to suspend any sentence lawfully imposed under Chapter 31 of Title 97, Mississippi Code of 1972, or this chapter.
No person shall be excused from testifying before the grand jury or on the trial in any prosecution for any violation of this chapter or other law of this state for the promotion of temperance and the suppression of the evils of intemperance; but no disclosure or discovery made by such person is to be […]