12-12,100. Library district; powers. The Eudora community library district shall constitute a body corporate and politic and shall have the power to: (a) Enter into contracts; (b) sue, and be sued; (c) acquire, hold and convey real and personal property; (d) make and adopt rules and regulations for the administration of the library district; (e) […]
12-12,101. Use of library facilities by district residents; nonresidents, charge. (a) The library facilities shall be free for the use of the residents of the library district, subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the library district board may adopt. The library district board may exclude from the use of a library any and […]
12-12,102. Library district bonds; election. (a) The library district board may issue general obligation bonds of the library district for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing, reconstructing, repairing, remodeling, furnishing and equipping any library building or additions thereto, including any sites therefor. Bonds issued pursuant to this section shall not be subject to […]
12-12,103. Annual budget, tax levy; protest petition, election. (a) The library district board shall prepare and publish an annual budget for the maintenance and support of the library. (b) The board is authorized to levy a tax of not to exceed 5 mills on all tangible property in the library district to fund the budget […]
12-1215. Budgets and tax levies in certain cities; increase in levy; petition; election. (a) In the cities of Topeka, Salina and Hutchinson, Kansas, in which a free public library has been established as provided by law, in addition to the powers and duties conferred by law, the board of directors of the free public library […]
12-1216. Same; tax levies separate from city and in addition to other levies; no city library levy. The tax levy provided in K.S.A. 12-1215, shall not be included in and shall not constitute a part of the tax levy of any city to which this act is applicable, and shall be in addition to all […]
12-1217. Maintenance and support of library; certain capital improvements or major equipment purchases. As used in this act, the words “maintenance and support” shall include the general and usual cost and expense of operating such free public library but shall not include the cost of erecting or equipping a public building therefor or the cost […]
12-1218. City, county and township libraries; definitions. As used in this act unless the context requires a different meaning, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section: (a) “Municipality” shall mean a county, township or incorporated city. (b) “Governing body” shall mean the governing body of a […]
12-1219. Same; establishment and maintenance; existing libraries. A municipality may establish and maintain a library in the manner provided in this act. Any library heretofore established and being maintained by a municipality shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of this act, but this section shall not be construed as repealing any law not […]
12-1220. Same; election to establish; tax levy, use of proceeds; library fund established; territory of existing library excluded, when. The governing body of any municipality may by resolution, and shall, upon presentation of a petition signed by ten percent (10%) of the qualified electors of such municipality determined upon the basis of the total vote […]
12-1221. County or township bonds for site, building and equipment; election. Any county or township which is maintaining, or has voted to establish a library may erect and equip a library building and procure a site therefor, and may issue the bonds of such county or township for the purpose of paying the cost of […]
12-1222. City, county and township libraries; board; appointment; terms; eligibility; vacancies; expenses. Subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 12-16,128, and amendments thereto, upon the establishment of a library under this act the official head of a municipality shall appoint, with the approval of the governing body, a library board for such library. In […]
12-1223. Same; Johnson county; corporate status of library board. (a) Except as provided by subsection (b), the library board of a library established under, or governed by the provisions of this act shall constitute a body corporate and politic, possessing the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes, under the name and style of […]
12-1224. Same; officers of board; meetings; notice. The members of a library board shall, immediately after their appointment and annually thereafter, meet and organize by the election of a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer and such other officers as they may deem necessary. The board shall fix the date and place of its regular […]
12-1225. Powers and duties of board. Library boards shall have the following powers and duties: (a) To make and adopt rules and regulations for the administration of the library; (b) with the approval of the governing body of the municipality, to purchase or lease a site or sites and to lease or erect a building […]
12-1225a. Johnson county library board; duties of county treasurer. (a) In Johnson county, the library board shall have the same powers and duties prescribed in K.S.A. 12-1225, and amendments thereto, except that the county treasurer shall receive, accept and administer any money appropriated or granted to it by the state or the federal government or […]
12-1225b. Same; powers and duties. (a) In addition to the powers and duties prescribed by K.S.A. 12-1225, and amendments thereto, in Johnson county, the library board shall: (1) establish bylaws for the operation of the library board; (2) formulate new policies and revise existing programs, facilities and services for the county libraries; (3) annually review, […]
12-1225c. Johnson county librarian; duties. (a) In Johnson county, the county librarian shall be subject to the same privileges and immunities as the head of any county department. The county librarian shall be charged with the daily administration of the library and may hire or terminate the employment of subordinate employees. Employees shall be eligible […]
12-1226. Treasurer of board; bond; duties; Johnson and Wyandotte counties library board treasurer. (a) Except as provided by this section, the treasurer of the library board shall give bond, in an amount fixed by the board and approved by the governing body of the municipality, for the safekeeping and due disbursement of all funds that […]
12-1227. Use of library; rules and regulations. Every library established under, or governed by the provisions of this act shall be free to the use of the inhabitants of the municipality in which located, subject always to such reasonable rules and regulations as the library board may adopt, and said board may exclude from the […]