US Lawyer Database

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12-1801 Construction and repair.

12-1801. Construction and repair. The cities of Kansas may provide for the construction, repair, condemnation, and reconstruction of sidewalks. History: L. 1941, ch. 103, § 1; June 30.

12-1802 Plans and specifications.

12-1802. Plans and specifications. The governing body of the city shall, by ordinance, determine the plans, specifications (including widths and location in the street), for the construction, repair, and reconstruction of all sidewalks: Provided, That plans and specifications may be adopted by reference, in which case a copy or copies of the plans and specifications […]

12-1803 Petition.

12-1803. Petition. When a petition signed by not less than ten citizens owning real estate in a precinct or ward in a city of the second or third class or by not less than twenty-five citizens owning real estate in a precinct or ward of a city of the first class, praying for the construction […]

12-1804 Condemnation and reconstruction.

12-1804. Condemnation and reconstruction. When any sidewalk, in the opinion of the governing body, becomes inadequate or unsafe for the travel thereon, the governing body may adopt a resolution condemning such walk and providing for the construction of a new walk in place of the walk condemned. History: L. 1941, ch. 103, § 4; June […]

12-1805 Notice to abutting owner; publication; construction by contract, when.

12-1805. Notice to abutting owner; publication; construction by contract, when. The resolution providing for the construction or reconstruction of a sidewalk shall give the owner of the abutting property not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days after its publication in which to construct or cause to be constructed or reconstructed the sidewalk […]

12-1806 Construction by abutting owner; request to city, when.

12-1806. Construction by abutting owner; request to city, when. Nothing herein shall prohibit the owner of property abutting on a street who desires to construct or reconstruct a sidewalk from doing so without any petition or condemning resolution, if the owner does so at the owner’s own expense and in accordance with official plans and […]

12-1807 Grade.

12-1807. Grade. Where a grade has been established for a street, the grade for the sidewalk shall be established either in the same manner as the grade for the street was established or by reference to a stated distance above or below the street grade. Where no street grade has been established, the natural grade […]

12-1809 Assessment of cost; old sidewalk materials.

12-1809. Assessment of cost; old sidewalk materials. The cost of all sidewalks shall be assessed against the property abutting on the sidewalk: Provided, That where a sidewalk is condemned and a new sidewalk constructed, the materials of the old sidewalk shall be the property of the city, except in those cases where the property owner […]

12-1811 Installment payments; interest; costs included in assessment.

12-1811. Installment payments; interest; costs included in assessment. The assessment may be levied to be paid in one installment or in not more than five installments at the discretion of the governing body, and when installments are certified to the county clerk, interest at the rate specified on the scrip or bonds hereinafter authorized to […]

12-1812 Financing of cost of assessment levied in one installment; scrip or bonds.

12-1812. Financing of cost of assessment levied in one installment; scrip or bonds. If the assessment is levied in one installment, the cost of construction or reconstruction of sidewalks may be financed, until the assessment is paid, out of the fund provided for the maintenance of streets or general improvement fund if such cost has […]

12-1813 Payment of cost by city, when.

12-1813. Payment of cost by city, when. The cost of constructing, reconstructing, and repairing all sidewalks abutting on lots or pieces of land belonging to the city or to the state or to the United States, and that portion of the sidewalk extending from the projected property line to the curb and which does not […]

12-1814 Sidewalks; terms of scrip or bonds; issuance and sale.

12-1814. Sidewalks; terms of scrip or bonds; issuance and sale. Any issue of sidewalk scrip or sidewalk bonds shall be issued to mature in not more than four installments. The last installment shall be not more than four years after the date of the scrip or bonds. Scrip and bonds shall bear interest of not […]

12-1815 Sections not affected.

12-1815. Sections not affected. Nothing in this act shall be considered as repealing or amending or affecting sections 12-675 and 12-676 of the General Statutes of 1935, and section 13-1008a of the General Statutes Supplement of 1939. History: L. 1941, ch. 103, § 15; June 30.

12-1816 Invalidity of part.

12-1816. Invalidity of part. If any section or part of section of this act shall be declared to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration shall not affect any other section or part of section. History: L. 1941, ch. 103, § 17; June 30.