12-2101. Refuse defined. Refuse, for the purposes of this act, shall include garbage and trash, and garbage and trash are defined as follows: 1. “Garbage”: Wastes from the preparation, cooking, and consumption of food; market refuses, waste from the handling, storage, and sale of produce. 2. “Trash”: (a) Combustible: Paper, cartons, boxes, barrels, wood and […]
12-2102. Collection and disposal under contract or as municipal function; conditions as to certain cities over 120,000; facilities. The governing body of any city may provide for the collection and disposal of garbage or trash or both of them and in doing so may provide for the collection and disposal of either one or both […]
12-2103. Ordinance describing duties. When the governing body decides to provide for the collection and disposal of garbage or trash or both by contract or as a municipal function it shall pass an ordinance describing the duties of persons, householders, business establishments, industrial and manufacturing plants and others as regards garbage and trash and may […]
12-2104. Payment of cost of refuse collection; tax levy, use of proceeds; service charges; issuance of bonds for land or equipment; protest petition and election. The governing body may: (a) Pay the cost out of the general fund or other proper fund or may levy an annual tax upon all taxable tangible property in the […]
12-2105. Collection of service charges. A contract for collection and disposal may provide that the contractor shall collect the service charges if service charges are provided, or may provide that the city shall collect the service charges and pay the contractor the amount specified in the contract. History: L. 1947, ch. 128, § 5; June […]
12-2106. No service charge, when; ordinance prohibiting accumulation or transportation. Parties having no garbage or trash shall not be required to pay any service charge: Provided, The governing body may pass ordinances prohibiting the accumulation of garbage and trash other than as specified to the end that the city may be kept clean and sanitary, […]
12-2110. City may regulate and license collectors. The governing body of any city which provides no refuse or solid waste collection and disposal service as herein specified or as authorized by K.S.A. 65-3410 may regulate and license garbage or trash collectors, or both, and limit the number of licenses and pass ordinances as authorized by […]
12-2111. Purpose of act. It is the purpose of this act to enable cities to prevent insanitary and dangerous conditions caused by the accumulation of garbage and trash. Nothing herein shall limit the existing power of cities to prohibit and abate nuisances. History: L. 1947, ch. 128, § 11; June 30.
12-2122a. Contracts for refuse collection. Any contracts currently in force, entered pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 12-2112 to 12-2122, inclusive, and amendments thereto, shall continue in force and effect as if entered into under the interlocal cooperation act, K.S.A. 12-2901 et seq., and amendments thereto. History: L. 1995, ch. 165, § 1; July 1.
12-2123. Acquisition of refuse or solid waste disposal sites by cities; eminent domain; bonds. (a) Whenever the governing body of any city finds and determines by resolution that it is necessary to acquire a site or sites for the disposal of refuse or solid waste as defined by K.S.A. 65-3402, and amendments thereto, within or […]