12-401. Cities of second and third classes and towns; abstracts; form and contents of plat; approval by county or city attorney. Before any proprietor or proprietors of any proposed city of the second or third class or of any town, or of any proposed addition to any such city or town shall record the plat […]
12-402. Acknowledgment of plat. Such map or plat shall be acknowledged by the proprietor, or if incorporated company, by the chief officer thereof, before some court or other officer authorized by law to take the acknowledgment of conveyances of real estate. History: G.S. 1868, ch. 78, § 2; October 31; R.S. 1923, § 12-402.
12-403. Recordation of plat; certificate of approval. The map or plat so made, acknowledged and certified shall be filed and recorded in the office of the register of deeds and a copy thereof filed with the county clerk of the county in which the city or addition is situated: Provided, however, That said register of […]
12-404. Register of deeds to preserve plat. The register of deeds shall preserve such map or plat in his or her office, among the records thereof. History: G.S. 1868, ch. 78, § 4; October 31; R.S. 1923, § 12-404.
12-405. Sale of lot before recording of plat; penalty. If any person sell or offer for sale any lot within any city, town or addition before the map or plat thereof be made out, acknowledged, filed and recorded as aforesaid, such person shall forfeit a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars for every lot which […]
12-406. Maps and plats sufficient to vest title of lands conveyed for public use in city; effect of recordation. Such maps and plats of such cities and towns, and additions, made, acknowledged, certified, filed and recorded with the register, shall be a sufficient conveyance to vest the fee of such parcels of land as are […]
12-406a. Fees to certain land held by county transferred to city. On the effective date of this act, the fee to any parcel of land intended for public use in cities of the first, second and third classes which is held in trust by the county is hereby transferred and conveyed to the city in […]
12-407. Filing incomplete plat; forfeiture. If any person, his or her agent or attorney, shall cause a map or plat of any such city or town or addition to be deposited with the register, which does not set forth and describe all parcels of ground which have been or shall be promised or set apart […]
12-408. Action by county to recover forfeitures. The forfeitures arising under this act may be recovered by action, with costs, in the name of and to the use of the county, or by indictment or information. History: G.S. 1868, ch. 78, § 8; October 31; R.S. 1923, § 12-408.
12-409. Procedure by attachment or otherwise. The property and effects of the person incurring such forfeiture may be proceeded against by attachment or otherwise, and in like manner and for the like causes as in ordinary cases of debt. History: G.S. 1868, ch. 78, § 9; October 31; R.S. 1923, § 12-409.
12-410. Recordation of plat when land becomes part of new or different county. When any town plat shall be filed and recorded with the register of deeds of the county, and by reason of the establishment of any new county, or the alteration of any county lines, the city or town shall fall within a […]
12-411. Plats of cities laid off on public lands; conveyance to public use; penalty for obstructing. The plats of all cities and towns which have heretofore been laid off or which may hereafter be laid off on the public lands within this state shall be filed with the register and recorded as aforesaid, which plats […]
12-412. Recordation of prior plats; fees. All plats of cities or towns or of additions thereto which have been heretofore filed in the office of the register of deeds or recorder of the proper county, and not recorded, shall be recorded by such register, and such register may collect his or her fees therefor from […]
12-413. Action for restoration of lost chart or plat. Whenever the field chart, map or plat of any city, town or village in this state shall have been destroyed or lost, the mayor of any such city, the chairman of the board of trustees of any such town or village, the chairman of the board […]
12-414. Petition in such action. Such petition shall contain the name of the person or officer filing the same, the name of the county in which such action is brought, and of any person or persons whose interests such petitioner desires specially to foreclose by the judgment or decree prayed for, and an allegation of […]
12-415. Summons in such cases; procedure. On the filing of such petition the person or officer filing the same may file a praecipe with the clerk of such court, requiring him or her to issue a summons in said action, directed to the sheriff of said county, notifying such persons as may be named in […]
12-416. Answer or cross petition; who may file. Any person or corporation interested in the establishment or nonestablishment of such chart, map or plat, or any part thereof, within the time fixed in the notice provided for in K.S.A. 12-415, may file an answer to such petition in said court, which answer may consist of […]
12-417. Parties to action; rehearing. The county in which such chart, map or plat was filed, the town, village or city of which or a part of which, or an addition to which the same was a chart, map or plat, and any person or corporation owning or interested in any lot, reserve or real […]
12-418. Trial and judgment. The trial of the issues in any action brought under this act shall be by the court in which it is brought, and such court is authorized to enter such judgment and decree on default, or after trial, as the case may be, as in other civil actions, as the facts […]
12-419. Recordation of restored chart or plat. Any chart, map or plat established as in this act provided, by the decision, judgment or decree of a court, shall be entitled to be filed and recorded in the office of register of deeds of the county the same as is provided by law for the filing […]