19-1401a. County surveyor, appointment; appointment of deputies. (a) The board of county commissioners of each county may appoint a land surveyor, whose official title shall be county surveyor. The county surveyor may appoint deputy county surveyors, and each deputy may perform the duties devolved upon the county surveyor by law. The county surveyor shall be […]
19-1402. Deputies; liability for acts. Each county surveyor, after being duly qualified as provided in the foregoing section, may appoint such number of deputy surveyors under him as he may think proper, being responsible for the correctness of their official acts, which deputies shall, respectively, before they enter upon the duties of their office, take […]
19-1404. Neglect or misconduct of surveyor or deputies; suit on bond. Any person who may think himself injured by the neglect or misconduct of any county surveyor, or any of his deputies, may institute suit on the bond executed by such county surveyor and his sureties; and in case the party for whose benefit such […]
19-1405. Surveys for use in court; administration of oath; testimony of witnesses. When any county surveyor or his deputy may be called upon to make any survey or surveys, which is or are to be used in any court, the adverse party having notice of the time of making such survey or surveys, such county […]
19-1407. Records of surveyor. The county surveyor shall keep records to show the following: (a) A plat of each boundary survey made by the county surveyor, which shall be in accordance with Kansas law in effect at the time such survey is made; (b) a full set of field notes, setting forth the distance and […]
19-1409. Method of subdividing sections into quarter sections. In the subdivision of sections of land, as surveyed by the United State surveyors into quarter sections, the following method shall be followed, to wit: The surveyor shall proceed to connect the points of position of the monuments marked “one quarter S.,” commonly known as quarter-section corner […]
19-1411. Establishment of center corners and quarter-section corners of sections closing on a parallel or base line. In establishing the center corner of all sections closing on a parallel or base line, the land surveyor shall commence at the quarter-section corner on the south boundary of the section, and run a line north, parallel to […]
19-1412. Re-establishment of missing corners. In re-establishing missing corners, where no bearing or witness tree or trees can be found, the land surveyor shall establish the missing corners in accordance with the government surveys. Where government surveys cannot be accurately followed, missing corners shall be established by proportionate measurement or existing landmarks supplemented with other […]
19-1413. Threatening or improperly interfering with surveyor; penalty. (a) If any county surveyor or such surveyor’s deputy shall be molested, or prevented from doing or performing any of such surveyor’s official duties, by means of threats or improper interference of any person or persons, such surveyor shall call on the sheriff of the county, who […]
19-1414. Survey as evidence. Any survey made by any county surveyor or his deputy, or by any city engineer, shall be evidence in any court in this state, but shall not be conclusive. History: G.S. 1868, ch. 25, § 166; L. 1921, ch. 154, § 1; May 25; R.S. 1923, 19-1414.
19-1415. Copies of plats and field notes. Copies of said plats and field notes, duly certified by the county surveyor, shall be received in evidence in any cause where the original plats and field notes could be used. History: G.S. 1868, ch. 25, § 169; October 31; R.S. 1923, 19-1415.
19-1416. Oath before commencing road survey. It shall not be necessary for the county surveyor to take an oath or affirmation before commencing such surveyor’s duties to survey roads, except as provided by law, when such surveyor takes oath of office. History: L. 1871, ch. 75, § 2; R.S. 1923, 19-1416; L. 2011, ch. 49, […]
19-1417. Employment of assistants; compensation. It shall be the duty of each county surveyor to employ disinterested persons to act as such surveyor’s assistants. The expenses of such assistants shall be paid in advance, if required by the county surveyor, by the party on whose application the survey may be made, and the money so […]
19-1418. Plats and field notes of the original federal surveys. That it shall be the duty of the county surveyor of each county, when instructed to do so by the commissioners of their county, to procure official copies of the plats and field notes of the original surveys of the United States of the lands […]
19-1419. Taking evidence on survey. The county surveyor or his deputy is authorized to administer all oaths or affirmations necessary to the legal establishment of roads and other surveys, and to take the evidence of any person who may be produced to prove any point material to such survey, and is authorized to summon before […]
19-1420. Record of road survey; descriptions of real estate. Upon the establishment of any road, the county surveyor shall enter the plat and field notes thereof upon the official road record of the county. The county surveyor shall, when ordered by the board of county commissioners, make out a complete description of all or any […]
19-1422. Rules to be observed in resurvey under authority of the United States. In the resurvey of land surveyed under the authority of the United States, the land surveyor shall observe the following rules: First, Section and quarter-section corners, and all other corners established by the government survey, must stand as the true corners. Second, […]
19-1423. Procedure to establish corners and boundaries; notice, costs. (a) Whenever the owner or owners of one or more tracts of land shall desire to permanently establish the corners and boundaries thereof, such owner or owners shall notify the county surveyor to make a survey thereof and establish such corners and boundaries, and shall furnish […]
19-1424. Waiver of service; when publication service complete. An acknowledgment in writing, or the voluntary appearance of a person interested in the survey, is equivalent to service. Service by publication shall be deemed complete when it shall have been made in the manner and for the time prescribed in the preceding section, for all the […]
19-1425. When survey to be made; testimony of witnesses. On the day mentioned in the notice, or on the next day thereafter, the surveyor shall proceed to make the survey, but he may for good cause adjourn from time to time. He may, upon the application of any party who is interested in such survey, […]