19-3601. Fire districts; organizations; name; governing body; duties of county clerk and county treasurer; delegation. The board of county commissioners of any county of the state is hereby authorized and empowered to organize one or more fire districts in any portion of the county not within an incorporated city, and the entire county or the […]
19-3601a. Same; governing body; powers. Upon the creation of a fire district under the provisions of K.S.A. 19-3601 et seq., and amendments thereto, the governing body shall have the authority to: (a) Enter contracts; (b) acquire and dispose of real and personal property; (c) acquire, construct, reconstruct, equip, operate, maintain and furnish buildings to house […]
19-3601b. Same; issuance of bonds and no-fund warrants. The governing body of any fire district created under the provisions of K.S.A. 19-3601 et seq. shall have the authority to issue general obligation bonds under the provisions of the general bond law except that before any bonds are issued, the governing body shall publish once in […]
19-3602. Same; resolution, contents; notice and hearing; abandonment or alteration of proposal; adoption of final resolution; publication, effect. Subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 19-270, the board of county commissioners upon its own motion or as provided in K.S.A. 19-3603, and amendments thereto, may proceed to organize any or all portions of its county into […]
19-3602a. Same; inclusion of land located in other benefit districts. Any land located within an improvement district created pursuant to K.S.A. 19-2753 et seq., and amendments thereto, or any land located within an industrial district created pursuant to K.S.A. 19-3801 et seq., and amendments thereto, shall not be included within the boundaries of any fire […]
19-3603. Same; petition; contents; resolution; adoption and publication, when. The board of county commissioners shall consider the advisability of organizing any fire district or districts within the county upon the filing of a petition with the county clerk, signed by the residents of the county owning more than sixty percent (60%) of the area of […]
19-3604. Same; disorganization or alteration of district; inclusion of new lands; procedures. (a) Any fire district may be disorganized by the board of county commissioners at any time after four years from the date of the publication of the final resolution for the first organization of such district upon a petition to the board and […]
19-3605. Same; inclusion of certain cities within district; procedure. If the governing body of any city which lies within or adjoins the boundaries of any proposed or organized fire district shall deem it advisable that all or a part of the city be included within the territory of any fire district, such city may be […]
19-3606. Same; districts not to be organized or altered after July 1; budget; tax levy. No fire district shall be organized in any county, or the boundaries thereof altered, in any year after the first day of July and in every such case it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners at […]
19-3608. Same; agreements with cities or townships for fire protection service; terms; resolution or ordinance. The board of county commissioners, as the governing body of any fire district organized by virtue of this act, may enter into agreements (and may modify or alter the same) with any township or townships, city or cities in the […]
19-3608a. Same; contracts with rural fire districts of adjoining county of another state; terms; limitation of liability. The board of county commissioners, as the governing body of any rural fire protection district organized, named and numbered under the provisions of article 36 of chapter 19 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated may enter into contracts on […]
19-3609. Same; agreements with cities providing for buildings; funds. Any fire district organized by virtue of this act and any city may enter into agreements for the joint construction, equipping and maintenance of any building or buildings, or for additions to existing city buildings, within the city or district, for the housing, and servicing of […]
19-3610. Same; tax levies; use of proceeds, limitations. The board of county commissioners each year shall levy an ad valorem tax on the taxable tangible property within each fire district in the county organized by virtue of this act, including or excluding such property within any city in each district as the case may be, […]
19-3612. Same; existing contracts not abrogated; termination by mutual consent, when; funds. Nothing in this act shall be construed to alter or abrogate any existing fire protection contract between any city and county or any city and any township, but all such contracts may be, by mutual agreement, terminated at the end of the budget […]
19-3612a. Same; establishment of district board of trustees; powers. (a) Whenever a fire district has been established under the provisions of K.S.A. 19-3601 through 19-3606, and amendments thereto, and the board of county commissioners determines, by resolution, that it is in the best interests of the county to place the supervision of such fire district […]
19-3612b. Same; supervisor and employees of district. The board of county commissioners of any such county or the fire district board of trustees, if one has been appointed, may employ a supervisor and such other persons as may be necessary to properly operate and manage such fire district. History: L. 1961, ch. 163, § 2; […]
19-3612c. Same; fire protection reserve fund; source of revenue; limitations. The governing body of any fire district organized under K.S.A. 19-3601 et seq., and amendments thereto, is hereby authorized and empowered to transfer, annually, by resolution, from the general fund of the district any money credited to such fund, and subject to legal expenditure, which […]
19-3612d. Same; tax levies in certain counties; use of proceeds; limitation; election. The governing body of a fire district created under the provisions of K.S.A. 19-3601 et seq., located in any county having a population of less than one hundred thousand (100,000) and an assessed tangible valuation of more than two hundred twenty-five million dollars […]
19-3612e. Tax levies for fire districts in Reno and Sedgwick counties. (a) The governing body of Reno county fire district No. 2 and the governing body of Sedgwick county fire district No. 1, both created under K.S.A. 19-3601 et seq., and amendments thereto, shall have the power to levy a tax in an amount to […]
19-3613. Fire districts in Johnson county; creation; petition; notice and hearing; territory; protest, when; final resolution; publication. Subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 19-270, the board of county commissioners of Johnson county, hereinafter referred to as the county board, may create a fire district as provided herein. Upon the filing with the county board of […]