2-1001. Definition of terms. (A) The term “commercial feeding stuffs” shall be held to include all feeding stuffs used for feeding livestock, poultry and pets, including customer formula feed, except the following: (a) Whole seeds or grains. (b) The unmixed meals made directly from and consisting of the entire grains of corn, wheat, rye, barley, […]
2-1002. Tagging or labeling; statements. Every lot, package, bag or parcel of commercial feeding stuffs sold, offered or exposed for sale or distributed within this state shall have printed or stenciled thereon or affixed thereto a tag or label, in a conspicuous place on the outside thereof, containing a legible and plainly printed statement in […]
2-1004. Sale of commercial feeding stuffs; inspection fee; annual fee; permit; tonnage report; delinquency fee. (a) (1) On and after the effective date of this act through June 30, 1999, each manufacturer, importer, jobber, firm, association, corporation or person, manufacturing or selling any commercial feeding stuffs, shall pay to the Kansas department of agriculture an […]
2-1004a. Inspection fee; reduction and restoration, when. The secretary of agriculture is hereby authorized and empowered, whenever the secretary shall determine that the fees and charges provided by K.S.A. 2-1004, and amendments thereto, and paid into the state treasury as provided by law, are yielding more than is required for the purposes to which such […]
2-1006. Lowering or change of analysis; determination by the secretary. The secretary or a duly authorized representative of the secretary shall have the power to refuse to allow any manufacturer, importer, jobber, firm, association, corporation, or person to lower the guaranteed analysis or change the ingredients of any brand of such entity’s commercial feeding stuffs […]
2-1008. Samples for analysis; entry on premises, application; stop sale orders; judicial review. (a) The secretary and the duly authorized representatives thereof shall have free access to all places of business, mills, buildings and vessels, of whatsoever kind, used in the manufacture, transportation, importation, sale or storage of any commercial feeding stuffs and may open […]
2-1009. Analysis of samples; procedure. (a) A representative sample of each brand of commercial feeding stuffs found, sold, offered or exposed for sale shall be taken by the secretary or the secretary’s duly authorized representative. Except as provided in subsection (b), no action shall be maintained for a violation of the provisions of this act, […]
2-1010. Prosecutions; notice and hearing. If it appears that any provisions of this act have been violated, the secretary shall certify the facts to the proper prosecuting attorney and furnish that officer with a copy of the result of the analysis or other examination of such feeding stuffs duly authenticated by the analyst or other […]
2-1011. Violations; civil and criminal penalties; seizure proceedings. (1) It shall be deemed a violation of this act for any manufacturer, importer, jobber, firm, association, corporation or person to sell, offer or expose for sale, or distribute in this state any commercial feeding stuffs: (A) Unless the manufacturer, importer, jobber, firm, association, corporation or person […]
2-1012. Disposition of moneys received; feeding stuffs fee fund. The secretary shall remit all moneys received by or for the secretary under article 10 of chapter 2 of Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, […]
2-1013. Enforcement by secretary of board; rules and regulations; establishment of terms for certain ingredients. (a) The secretary of agriculture is hereby empowered to: (1) Enforce the provisions of article 10 of chapter 2 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto; (2) prescribe the form of labels to be used; and (3) adopt and […]
2-1014. Commercial feed license; fee; renewal; grounds to deny application or suspend license. (a) No manufacturer, importer, jobber, firm, association, corporation or person shall sell, offer or expose for sale or distribute in this state any commercial feeding stuffs unless such person holds a valid license for each manufacturing or distribution facility in this state. […]