2-201. State fair at Hutchinson; unlawful acts. A state fair shall be held annually in the city of Hutchinson, Kansas, at such time as shall be fixed by the state fair board. It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation or association, or for any corporate entity other than the state fair board, to hold […]
2-202. State fairgrounds and buildings; use for other purposes. The tract of land conveyed by the county of Reno to the state of Kansas for fair purposes, and all other real estate acquired by the state of Kansas, for fair purposes, shall be held by the state of Kansas as a state fairgrounds, and for […]
2-202a. Same; listing for taxation. The state fair board shall on or before April 1 each year, file in the office of the county assessor of Reno county, Kansas, a list of all persons or firms having property stored on the fairgrounds, or in the buildings located thereon, as of the date applicable for the […]
2-202b. Same; razing, repair, maintenance or remodeling of frame buildings. The state fair board may raze any frame building located on the state fairgrounds, or portion of same, when it is deemed by the board unsafe, obsolete or of not sufficient use to justify maintenance. The board may repair, maintain or remodel any frame building […]
2-203. Moneys for county exhibits. For the purpose of aiding a more complete exhibition of the resources of the state at the said fair the board of county commissioners of each county is hereby authorized to expend annually not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars out of the general revenue fund of such […]
2-205. State fair fee fund; authorized uses and procedures for fair and nonfair days events; employees for state fair, background check; reports of activity; fair board local bank accounts; change funds. (a) (1) All moneys received by the state fair board through the operation of the state fair and from any and all other sources […]
2-205a. Contract for supplies and services prior to fair; filing and payment. When sufficient funds are not available and it is necessary to contract for supplies and services in advance of the fair, the state fair board is authorized to enter into contract which shall contain a provision that such contract shall become effective and […]
2-205b. Same; fair attractions; livestock feed and bedding; advertising media. The state fair board is authorized to select and contract for afternoon and evening grandstand attractions, and grounds attractions and shows. Copies of all such contracts shall be sent by the state fair board to the department of administration for process purposes. The state fair […]
2-206. Authority of Reno county commissioners. Laws of 1913, chapter 293, section 12, included by reference.[Authorized the board of county commissioners of Reno county to carry out so much of the provisions of Laws of 1913, chapter 293, as applied to them.] History: R.S. 1923, § 2-206.
2-213. Automobile display building; rental. The state fair board is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into a contract with individuals or corporations for the construction of an automobile display building, and the maintenance thereof, upon the state fairgrounds and for which purpose the right to construct such building upon state property is hereby expressly […]
2-214. Fire station or office buildings on fairgrounds; abandonment. The state fair board and any parties in interest are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into a contract, lease or agreement permitting the use of a portion of the Kansas state fair grounds at Hutchinson, Kansas, for the erection thereon by the city of Hutchinson, […]
2-215. Easements to city of Hutchinson, certain. The state fair board is hereby authorized and empowered to grant easements for sewers and public utilities and for street purposes to the city of Hutchinson, Kansas, its successors and assigns, permitting the use of a portion of the Kansas state fairgrounds along and within 30 feet of […]
2-216. Admission charges for state fair at Hutchinson; refunds; disposition of fees collected. The state fair board annually shall establish and collect admission charges for access and admissions entrances for persons attending the annual state fair at Hutchinson. No person except authorized employees of the state fair board, children under the age of six years […]
2-217. Construction of wheat commemorative building on state fairgrounds; agreement of state fair board and wheat centennial committee. The state fair board is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement with the Kansas wheat centennial committee permitting the use of the state fairgrounds as a site for the construction of a permanent building […]
2-218. Same; acceptance and expenditure of funds by wheat centennial committee. The Kansas wheat centennial committee may accept, receive and expend for the cost of construction and maintenance of such commemorative building any state appropriation or any gift, grant, bequest, contribution or aid of any kind or character from any private person, association or corporation. […]
2-219. Contracts for use of state fairgrounds by city of Hutchinson. When the use of the fairgrounds is not deemed necessary for use for fair purposes, the state fair board may enter into a contract, lease or agreement with the city of Hutchinson, Kansas, permitting the use of all or a portion of such fairgrounds […]
2-220. State fair special cash fund; change fund for use during fair; procedures and restrictions; sureties required. (a) The state fair special cash fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The state fair board may apply annually to the director of accounts and reports to establish a change fund for use during the period […]
2-221. Capital improvements on state fairgrounds for parimutuel racing; agreements authorized. The state fair board is hereby authorized to enter into agreements for capital improvements on the state fairgrounds for the purposes of racing under the Kansas parimutuel racing act and the operation of such racing, for which purposes the right to make such capital […]
2-222. Grant and receipt of certain easements and property by state fair board. Subject to approval by the secretary of administration, the state fair board is hereby authorized, as the board determines necessary or desirable to carry out its powers and duties, to: (a) Grant easements to, or obtain easements from, the city of Hutchinson, […]
2-223. State fair capital improvements fund; authorized use; Kansas development finance authority, revenue bonds authorized; annual transfers to fund; certification of amounts by state fair board. (a) There is hereby established in the state treasury the state fair capital improvements fund. All expenditures of moneys in the state fair capital improvements fund shall be used […]