2-301. Tax levies for fair purposes in certain counties; use of proceeds; election; premiums. Whenever any county agricultural or fair association, or whenever any livestock association or wheat show located in any county having a population of over fifty thousand (50,000) shall have provided itself, or themselves, by ownership or lease, with suitable grounds and […]
2-302. Petition for tax levy election; time of election. Whenever a petition shall be presented to the board of county commissioners of any such county, signed by at least one thousand of the qualified electors thereof, requesting the submission of a proposition to levy an annual tax for the purposes mentioned in this act, it […]
2-303. Levies not used for speed premiums. No part of the funds provided for by this act shall be used for the purpose of paying premiums offered for speed. History: L. 1915, ch. 178, § 3; March 27; R.S. 1923, § 2-303.
2-304. Payments out of tax-levy funds; transfer of unexpended balances to general fund. All payments out of the funds provided for in this act, shall be made by the county treasurer upon the written order of the association in charge of such fair; each order to be signed by the president and attested by the […]
2-305. Annual report to county commissioners by fair associations. It shall be the duty of each association having in charge any fair receiving aid under the provisions of this act, to make and file, annually, on or before the 31st day of December, with the county commissioners of the proper county, a report showing the […]