46-903. Payment of claims based upon implied contracts, when. No money or funds shall be disbursed from the state treasury or any special fund of the state of Kansas in part or full satisfaction or payment of any claim or judgment based in whole or in part on an implied contract, unless the payment of […]
46-907. Submission of certain claims to joint committee on special claims against the state. All claims proposed to be paid from the state treasury or any special fund of the state of Kansas, which cannot be lawfully paid by the state or any agency thereof except by an appropriation of the legislature shall be submitted […]
46-911. Severability. If any word, phrase, sentence or provision of this act is determined to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this act and they shall be given effect without the invalid provision, and to this end the provisions of this act are declared to be severable. History: L. 1970, […]
46-912. Joint committee on special claims against the state; membership; appointment; chairperson; meetings; quorum. There is hereby established the joint committee on special claims against the state which shall have seven members consisting of three members of the senate and four members of the house of representatives. The representative members shall be appointed by the […]
46-913. Claims against the state; filing; forms; information required. (a) Any person wishing to present a claim shall file the same with the chairperson of the joint committee in writing upon a form to be provided by the joint committee stating the following information: (1) The name and address of the claimant; the name and […]
46-914. Same; consideration of claims; hearing; notice; rules or procedure; state officers and employees to provide information and assistance. (a) Each claim shall be considered by the joint committee as soon as practicable after it is filed. If the joint committee deems a hearing to be necessary or advisable on any claim or if the […]
46-915. Same; determination of claims; notification of claimant; recommendations for awards; introduction of bill, referral; determination of amount of award, guide; claim must be in writing, verified and acknowledged. The joint committee on special claims against the state shall make determination of all claims submitted to it and a copy of its determination and recommendations […]
46-916. Joint committee; secretarial and staff assistance. Secretarial services shall be provided for the joint committee by a secretary or secretaries recruited and supervised by the director of legislative administrative services in the manner provided by K.S.A. 46-1212a. Other staff assistance shall be provided by the office of the revisor of statutes, the legislative research […]
46-917. Same; adoption of procedural guidelines. The joint committee on special claims against the state is hereby authorized to adopt such procedural guidelines, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, as may be necessary for orderly procedure in the filing, investigation, hearing and disposition of claims before it. History: L. 1978, ch. 203, § […]
46-918. Claims against the state; time of filing; consideration. All claims filed prior to November 1 in any year shall be considered by the joint committee for consideration and recommendation to the ensuing session of the legislature. Claims filed after November 1 in any year and prior to the adjournment of the ensuing session of […]
46-919. Purpose of act. It is the purpose of this act to provide an orderly and expeditious procedure to aid the legislature in the consideration and evaluation of those claims against the state which cannot be lawfully paid by the state or any agency thereof except by appropriation act of the legislature. A recommendation by […]
46-920. Claims against the state; payment by secretary of corrections of certain personal injuries and personal property losses of inmates authorized; limitation; setoff of moneys received by inmates for court ordered restitution. (a) The secretary of corrections may reimburse any inmate of any correctional institution or other facility under the secretary’s jurisdiction for any personal […]
46-922. Same; payment by state agencies for certain personal injuries and property damages or losses authorized; limitations. (a) As used in this section and in K.S.A. 46-923, and amendments thereto, the term “state agency” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in K.S.A. 75-3701, and amendments thereto. (b) The head of any state agency is authorized […]
46-923. Same; authority for director of accounts and reports to accept for payment certain claims for services or purchases made in improper fiscal year. Notwithstanding K.S.A. 75-3731, and amendments thereto, the director of accounts and reports shall accept for payment from the head of any state agency any claim not exceeding $5,000 for services or […]
46-924. Same; acceptance of payment by claimant final. The acceptance by the claimant of any payment made pursuant to this act shall be final and conclusive and shall constitute a complete release of any claim against the state. Otherwise, the claimant shall proceed with a claim against the state as provided by K.S.A. 46-913, and […]
46-925. Same; reporting to legislature by director of accounts and reports of claims paid. Any payment made pursuant to this act shall be reported to the director of accounts and reports along with appropriate documentation of the payment as may be required by such director. Upon request of any legislator, legislative committee or the legislative […]