59-1101. Bond requirements and conditions. Every fiduciary, except as otherwise provided in this act, before entering upon the duties of his or her trust shall execute and file a bond, with sufficient sureties, in such amount as the court directs, which amount shall not be less than 125 percent of the value of the personal […]
59-1102. Approval and prosecution. All such bonds shall run to the state of Kansas. They shall be subject to the approval of the district court and shall not be approved until the court is fully satisfied as to the sufficiency of the sureties. In case of breach of any condition thereof, an action on any […]
59-1103. Joint or separate bonds. When two or more persons are appointed joint fiduciaries, the court may approve a separate bond for each or a joint bond for all. History: L. 1939, ch. 180, § 83; July 1.
59-1104. Bond may be excused; court may require at any time. Bonds otherwise required of every fiduciary under the provisions of K.S.A. 59-1101 may be excused: (1) When the will or trust agreement expressly waives a bond of an executor, conservator or trustee; or (2) when all of the known heirs, if no will has […]
59-1105. Public, charitable or certain nonprofit corporation trustees; exceptions. No bond shall be required from any public, religious, charitable, or educational corporation or society, or any nonprofit Kansas corporation trustee where the purpose of the trust shall be financial aid to any Kansas educational institution or for research or for the financing of scholarships or […]
59-1106. Increase or reduction of bond; cancellation. The court, on its own motion or upon application of any interested person, may for good cause require a fiduciary to file a new or additional bond. Thereupon the fiduciary’s accounts shall be settled, and if approved the liability of the sureties on such new or additional bond […]
59-1107. New bond; discharge of surety. The court shall, upon application of a surety and after notice, require a fiduciary to settle his or her account and file a new bond. If such account is approved, the surety shall be discharged from liability thereafter accruing. The fiduciary shall file a new bond, to be approved […]
59-1108. Bond requirement for reissuance of certain certificates inapplicable. When an heir, administrator or executor requests that a lost, destroyed or stolen certificate for nonnegotiable securities belonging to the decedent, be reissued by the issuer of such securities, the bonding requirement provided in K.S.A. 84-8-405, shall not apply to such reissuance. History: L. 1980, ch. […]
59-1109. Court canceled bond; showing just cause. The court may cancel a bond issued pursuant to article 11 of chapter 59 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, upon a motion by the bonding company showing just cause. An accounting, through the date the motion is filed, shall accompany such motion. The court shall […]