59-1601. Testamentary trust inventory. Within thirty (30) days after it is the duty of the first qualifying testamentary trustee to take possession of the trust property such trustee shall file with the district court where the will was admitted to probate an inventory under oath, showing by item all the trust property which shall have […]
59-1602. Intermediate accountings. Within such period of time as shall be established by rule of the supreme court, the testamentary trustee then in office shall file with the district court of the county where the will was admitted to probate an intermediate account under oath covering such year showing: (a) The period which the account […]
59-1603. Final accounting. Within thirty (30) days after the termination of every testamentary trust the trustee, and in the case of the transfer of the trusteeship due to the death, resignation, removal, dissolution, merger or consolidation of a sole trustee, the successor in interest of the old trustee shall file with the district court of […]
59-1604. Distribution accounting. Within thirty days after the distribution of the trust property by the testamentary trustee he or she shall file in the court where the final account was filed a distribution account of the trust property which he or she had distributed and the receipts of the distributees. History: L. 1939, ch. 180, […]
59-1605. Inventory by nontestamentary trustees. Within thirty (30) days after it is the duty of the first qualifying trustee of a trust created by written instrument, other than by will, in favor of persons subject to conservatorship, to take possession of the trust property such trustee shall file in the district court of the county […]
59-1606. Accounting by nontestamentary trustee. Every such trustee shall file intermediate, final, and distribution accounts with the district court of the county where the trust was created, at the same intervals, under the same conditions and with the same effect as herein provided with respect to the accountings of a testamentary trustee in the district […]
59-1607. Power of testator or settlor. The testator or settlor of any trust affected by this article, may by provision in the instrument creating the trust, or by an amendment of the trust if a settlor reserved the power to amend the trust, relieve his or her trustee from any or all of the duties […]
59-1608. Power of beneficiary. Subject to the approval of the court, any beneficiary, if of full age and not an incapacitated person, may, if acting upon full information, by written instrument delivered to the trustee, excuse the trustee as to such beneficiary from performing any of the duties imposed on the trustee by this article […]
59-1609. Applicability of provisions. Nothing in this article shall be construed to abridge the power of any court to require trustees to file an inventory, to account, to exhibit the trust property, or to give beneficiaries information or the privilege of inspection of trust records and papers, at times other than those herein prescribed; and […]
59-1610. Enforcement. Any beneficiary may apply to the court for an order requiring the trustee to perform the duties imposed upon him or her by this article. History: L. 1939, ch. 180, § 129; July 1.
59-1611. Article not retroactive. This article shall apply only to trusts the administration of which shall begin after the effective date of this act. History: L. 1939, ch. 180, § 130; July 1.