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Home » US Law » 2021 Kansas Statutes » Chapter 73 - Soldiers, Sailors And Patriotic Emblems » Article 4 - Memorials, Monuments And Grave Markers

73-422 Soldiers’ monument in Sedgwick county.

73-422. Soldiers’ monument in Sedgwick county. Laws 1903, chapter 363, and Laws 1903, chapter 362, section 6, included by reference. [The first-named act provided for a soldiers’ monument in Sedgwick county, and the other section referred to saved said act from repeal.] History: R.S. 1923, 73-422.

73-423 Soldiers’ monument at Winfield.

73-423. Soldiers’ monument at Winfield. Laws 1905, chapter 150, included by reference. [Supplemental act to chapter 362, Laws 1903; authorized a soldiers’ monument in the city of Winfield.] History: R.S. 1923, 73-423.

73-425 Memorial and monument in counties over 70,000.

73-425. Memorial and monument in counties over 70,000. Such tax shall be collected in the same manner as other taxes, and the money so raised shall be expended, and said soldiers’ memorial and monument constructed, in the same manner as is now provided by law for the construction of public buildings and paying therefor by […]

73-426 Same; duty of county commissioners.

73-426. Same; duty of county commissioners. Such memorial and monument shall be placed on ground belonging to the county, and the board of county commissioners shall select the location, and after the erection of such memorial and monument shall have charge and care of the same. History: L. 1911, ch. 289, § 3; Feb. 28; […]

73-427 County memorials and monuments; tax levy, use of proceeds.

73-427. County memorials and monuments; tax levy, use of proceeds. The board of county commissioners of any county are hereby authorized and empowered to levy a tax, not exceeding one-half mill on the dollar, of the taxable property of the county for one year, the proceeds thereof, when collected, to be used in building and […]

73-427a Same; location and care of monument.

73-427a. Same; location and care of monument. Such a monument shall be placed on grounds belonging to the county, or on some street or park in its county seat, the location to be selected by a committee consisting of the members of the board of county commissioners, two members of the American legion appointed by […]

73-429 County memorials and monuments; location and care of monuments.

73-429. County memorials and monuments; location and care of monuments. Such monument shall be placed on ground belonging to the county, or on some street or park in its county seat, the location to be selected by the grand army of the republic and the woman’s relief corps of such county seat, and the board […]

73-431 County memorials and monuments; placing of markers.

73-431. County memorials and monuments; placing of markers. The county commissioners of each county of this state shall designate suitable persons residing in the county to place the grave markers provided for in K.S.A. 73-430 at the graves of such deceased soldiers, sailors and marines. History: L. 1915, ch. 102, § 2; Apr. 8; R.S. […]

73-432 Same; payment by county.

73-432. Same; payment by county. The expenses of such grave markers shall be paid by the county in which such soldiers, sailors or marines are buried; and the board of county commissioners of such county is authorized to audit and account and pay for said markers in a similar manner as other accounts in such […]

73-433 Additional bonds when memorial erected under provisions of 73-401 to 73-410.

73-433. Additional bonds when memorial erected under provisions of 73-401 to 73-410. The governing bodies of cities of the first class of the state of Kansas, having a population of over 100,000, who have, under the provisions of K.S.A. 73-401 to 73-410, inclusive, erected a military memorial building, for the purposes designated in said statutes, […]

73-434 Same; expenditures.

73-434. Same; expenditures. All expenditures set forth in K.S.A. 73-433 shall be made by the board of trustees of the said military memorial building. And that all vouchers drawn by the city to pay for such expenditures shall be approved by the said board of trustees and the mayor of the city upon which such […]

73-435 Same; terms.

73-435. Same; terms. In case said bonds will be issued, such bonds shall be run for not more than twenty years and bear interest at a rate not to exceed the maximum rate of interest prescribed by K.S.A. 10-1009 and to be in denominations of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000. History: L. […]

73-437 Same; specific authorization.

73-437. Same; specific authorization. The bonds herein provided for, and all taxes herein provided for may be issued or levied in addition to all other bonds or levies now authorized under the statutes. History: L. 1925, ch. 248, § 5; Mar. 10.

73-446 Disposal of memorial building and land or diversion of use of building, when; publication of resolution; petition for election; disposition of moneys.

73-446. Disposal of memorial building and land or diversion of use of building, when; publication of resolution; petition for election; disposition of moneys. Any city which has a memorial building constructed under the authority of article 4 of chapter 73 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated may: (1) Dispose of the building and the land upon […]

73-447 Auditorium in certain second-class cities.

73-447. Auditorium in certain second-class cities. The provisions of this act shall apply to any city having a population of more than three thousand five hundred (3,500) which is located in a county having a population of more than twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) and less than thirteen thousand five hundred (13,500), in which a […]

73-448 Same; bonds for repair, reconstruction, equipment or demolition; election.

73-448. Same; bonds for repair, reconstruction, equipment or demolition; election. The governing body of any city to which this act applies is hereby authorized and empowered to issue the general obligation bonds of such city in an amount not exceeding one million dollars ($1,000,000) for the purpose of providing funds to be used for the […]