If the county canvassing board discovers any defective returns and issues a summons for the precinct board [election board], it shall immediately notify the secretary of state both orally and in writing that the returns from the specified precinct are defective. The secretary of state shall immediately transmit to the county canvassing board the defective […]
A. If it appears that the defective returns cannot be corrected without a recheck of the voting machines, the county canvassing board shall immediately notify the district court in writing. B. The district court shall fix a time and place which shall be not more than one week after receipt of notice from the county […]
If it is necessary to open a ballot box on election night to ascertain if missing election returns are enclosed in the ballot box, the ballot box shall be opened by the county clerk and the district judge, or someone designated by the district judge. In the presence of the district judge or the designated […]
A. During the official canvass of an election, the county canvassing board, upon written request of any candidate in the election or upon receipt of a written petition of twenty-five voters of the county, shall make, in the presence of the district judge, a recheck and comparison of the results shown on the official returns […]