Chapter 10, Article 11A NMSA 1978 may be cited as the “Volunteer Firefighters Retirement Act”. History: Laws 1983, ch. 263, § 1; 2003, ch. 370, § 1. ANNOTATIONS The 2003 amendment, effective June 20, 2003, substituted “Chapter 10, Article 11A NMSA 1978” for “This act”. Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 60A Am. […]
As used in the Volunteer Firefighters Retirement Act: A. “association” means the public employees retirement association; B. “board” means the retirement board of the association; C. “fire department” means a fire department with volunteer members that is certified by the state fire marshal’s office; D. “fund” means the volunteer firefighters retirement fund; and E. “member” […]
A. There is created the “volunteer firefighters retirement fund” in the state treasury. All annuities and benefits in lieu of annuities shall be paid from the fund as provided in the Volunteer Firefighters Retirement Act. B. Beginning in fiscal year 1998, the state treasurer shall transfer annually on or before the last day of July […]
A. The provisions of the Volunteer Firefighters Retirement Act and the volunteer firefighters retirement program authorized under that act shall be administered by the board. The provisions of law relating to the administration and investment of retirement funds administered by the board shall apply to all funds transferred and paid into the fund. In its […]
A. Any member who attains the age of fifty-five years and has twenty-five years or more of service credit shall be eligible to receive a retirement annuity of two hundred fifty dollars ($250), payable monthly from the fund during the remainder of the member’s life. B. Any member who attains the age of fifty-five years […]
A. A member may claim one year of service credit for each year in which a fire department certifies that the member: (1) attended fifty percent of all scheduled fire drills for which the fire department held the member responsible to attend; (2) attended fifty percent of all scheduled business meetings for which the fire […]
A member may designate a spouse or dependent child as a beneficiary. In the event a retirement annuitant dies, the surviving beneficiary shall receive an annuity equal to two-thirds of the retirement annuity being paid to the retirement annuitant at the time of death; provided that the annuity paid to a beneficiary spouse shall cease […]
A. The change in law made by Laws 2003, Chapter 370, Section 2 eliminating a maximum age for a volunteer nonsalaried firefighter to establish a first year of service credit under the Volunteer Firefighters Retirement Act shall apply to a volunteer nonsalaried firefighter who was listed as an active member on the rolls of a […]