That on or before the 10th [tenth] day of each month there shall be prepared by each board of county commissioners in this state, by the council, commission or trustees of every city, town or village in this state, and by every board of education in this state, a summary of the minutes of all […]
Such prosecution shall be brought for the whole sum due and the interest accrued, and it shall be sufficient to prove the amount of the debt, and the fact that the securities were the securities of the said officer or individual prosecuted, and judgment shall be given against said officer or individual and their said […]
When any party shall be liable to be prosecuted under the provisions of this and the two preceding sections [10-17-9, 10-17-10 NMSA 1978], it shall be the duty of the district attorney to immediately commence a suit in favor of the state against said party and his securities for the sum due and interest according […]
When any duty is or shall be enjoined by law upon any public officer, or upon any person holding any public trust or employment, every wilful [willful] neglect to perform such duty, where no special provision shall have been made for the punishment of such delinquency, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in […]
Such summary of minutes shall be filed with the clerk of each board mentioned in Section 1 [10-17-1 NMSA 1978] hereof and such summary shall be a public record and open to inspection of the public, provided, however, that a copy thereof shall be by the board or commission mailed to each and every legal […]
On or before the 10th [tenth] day of each month there may be published in a legal newspaper published in the county where such board or commission is situated, by the council, commission or trustees of every city, town or village in this state, and by every board of education in this state, a summary […]
All county and precinct officers except justices of the peace shall file monthly statements with the county clerk on the first Monday of each month, showing in detail the amounts of all public money received and disbursed by them. The statements shall be verified by the officers making them and the board of county commissioners […]
All public officers of this state who may have received lawbooks, as such officers, are hereby required to turn over the same to their successors, as also the records and all other documents relative to their respective offices: provided, that the members of the legislature shall not be included in this section. History: Laws 1854-1855; […]
ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 1978, ch. 130, § 5, repealed 5-6-10, 1953 Comp. (10-17-6 NMSA 1978), relating to delivery of supreme court reports and statutes, effective March 6, 1978.
It shall hereafter be unlawful for any state official, district attorney, board of county commissioners or other official charged with the collection of any indebtedness, or the prosecution of any suit for the collection of any indebtedness due to, or claimed by the state, any county, city, town, precinct or school district, from any public […]
Any compromise, satisfaction or discharge of indebtedness prohibited by the preceding section [10-17-7 NMSA 1978] of this article is hereby declared to be invalid, and shall not be held a bar to any suit for the collection thereof, and suit may be brought at any time within four years from the date of any such […]
Whenever any revenue officer or other person responsible for public money has neglected or refused or shall in future neglect or refuse to pay over to the state treasurer the sum or balance for which he is accountable, and which is due to the state, upon the settlement of his accounts, it shall be the […]