In the event of conflict with other laws, the provisions of the Public Employee Bargaining Act shall supersede other previously enacted legislation and rules; provided that the Public Employee Bargaining Act shall not supersede the provisions of the Bateman Act [6-6-11 NMSA 1978], the Personnel Act [Chapter 10, Article 9 NMSA 1978], the Group Benefits […]
As used in the Public Employee Bargaining Act: A. “appropriate bargaining unit” means a group of public employees designated by the board or local board for the purpose of collective bargaining; B. “appropriate governing body” means the policymaking body or individual representing a public employer as designated in Section 10-7E-7 NMSA 1978; C. “authorization card” […]
A. Public employees, other than management employees and confidential employees, may form, join or assist a labor organization for the purpose of collective bargaining through representatives chosen by public employees without interference, restraint or coercion and shall have the right to refuse those activities. B. Public employees have the right to engage in other concerted […]
Unless limited by the provisions of a collective bargaining agreement or by other statutory provision, a public employer may: A. direct the work of, hire, promote, assign, transfer, demote, suspend, discharge or terminate public employees; B. determine qualifications for employment and the nature and content of personnel examinations; C. take actions as may be necessary […]
The appropriate governing body of a public employer is the policymaking individual or body representing the public employer. In the case of the state, the appropriate governing body is the governor or his designee or, in the case of a constitutionally created body, the constitutionally designated head of that body. At the local level, the […]
A. The “public employee labor relations board” is created. The board consists of three members appointed by the governor. The governor shall appoint one member recommended by organized labor representatives actively involved in representing public employees, one member recommended by public employers actively involved in collective bargaining and one member jointly recommended by the other […]
A. The board or a local board shall promulgate rules necessary to accomplish and perform its functions and duties as established in the Public Employee Bargaining Act, including the establishment of procedures for: (1) the designation of appropriate bargaining units; (2) the selection, certification and decertification of exclusive representatives; and (3) the filing of, hearing […]