The contract entered, subject to approval of the New Mexico legislature, between The Michie Company of Charlottesville, Virginia, and the compilation commission on January 7, 1977, to publish a 1978 compilation of the New Mexico Statutes Annotated is hereby ratified and approved. History: 1953 Comp., § 1-1-1, enacted by Laws 1977, ch. 74, § 1. […]
The increased fee levied by this act [12-1-9, 12-1-10 NMSA 1978] shall apply to all actions filed on or after July 1, 1967. History: 1953 Comp., § 1-1-8.1, enacted by Laws 1967, ch. 222, § 2. ANNOTATIONS Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law. […]
The New Mexico compilation commission is authorized to anticipate the proceeds of the collection of any or all of the taxes or fees on civil actions hereinabove provided for by the issuance and sale of New Mexico compilation commission debentures, in such amounts not to exceed outstanding at any one time, the sum of two […]
Said debentures shall be sold by the state treasurer to the highest bidder for cash at not less than par and accrued interest at such times and in such amounts as may be determined by the New Mexico compilation commission, after advertising the time and place of sale in such manner as the commission may […]
The issuance and sale of such debentures shall constitute and be an irrevocable and irrepealable contract between the state of New Mexico and the owner of any said debentures, that the taxes or fees pledged for the payment thereof at the rate now provided by this act shall not be reduced as long as any […]
The proceeds of the sale of said debentures shall be placed to the credit of the New Mexico compilation fund, except such amount as may have been paid as accrued interest, which amount shall be credited to a special interest fund for payment of interest on such debentures. The expenses incurred by the state treasurer […]
History: 1941 Comp., § 1-122, enacted by Laws 1953, ch. 39, § 4; 1953 Comp., § 1-1-4; Laws 1969, ch. 277, § 1; 1973, ch. 202, § 1; 1977, ch. 74, § 3; 1978, ch. 130, § 1, repealed by Laws 2019, ch. 74, § 10. ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 2019, ch. 74, § 10 […]
The “New Mexico compilation fund” is created as a nonreverting fund in the state treasury. The fund consists of filing, licensing and other fees; gifts, grants and donations; appropriations; and any other money credited to the fund. The fund shall be administered by the New Mexico compilation commission, and money in the fund is appropriated […]
History: 1941 Comp., § 1-124, enacted by Laws 1953, ch. 39, § 6; 1953 Comp., § 1-1-6; repealed by Laws 2019, ch. 74, § 10. ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 2019, ch. 74, § 10 repealed 12-1-6 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1953, ch. 39, § 6, relating to compilation fund, contents, effective May 3, […]
Upon the annual certification of the compilation of 1978 by the New Mexico compilation commission, with the advice and approval of the advisory committee of the supreme court, the compilation shall be in force and recognized, referred to and used in all the courts and in all departments and offices of the state as the […]
In carrying out the duties provided by law and contract, absent an expressed contrary legislative intent, the executive director of the New Mexico compilation commission and the advisory committee of the supreme court shall be governed by the following rules: A. if two or more acts are enacted during the same session of the legislature […]
Each district court clerk shall indicate the sum of twelve dollars ($12.00) from each civil case docket fee paid in the district court for credit to the New Mexico compilation fund, no part of which shall revert at the end of any fiscal year. Vouchers for expenditures from the fund shall be signed by the […]