The legislature finds and declares: A. that many people in this state lack the opportunity to view, enjoy or participate in living theatrical performances, musical concerts, operas, dance and ballet recitals, art exhibits, examples of fine architecture and the performing and visual arts, generally; B. that many people in this state possess talents of an […]
As used in Chapter 18, Article 5 NMSA 1978: A. “commission” means the New Mexico arts commission; B. “creative arts” means the act of writing, composing or designating and executing literature, including poetry; drama; music, including opera and choral works; ballet and dance; painting; sculpturing; graphic arts; photography; crafts; architecture; and films and television; C. […]
A. There is created the “New Mexico arts commission.” B. The commission is composed of fifteen members, appointed by the governor. Members shall be broadly representative of all fields of the creative and interpretative arts. C. Members of the commission shall be residents of this state and shall be persons who are widely known for […]
A. Annually, at the November meeting, the commission as a whole shall organize by the nomination, election and installation of a vice chairman and a secretary of the commission. The chairman of the commission, to be appointed by the governor, will take office at this time. B. The commission shall hold at least four meetings […]
A. The commission will be advisory to the director of the arts division, to the state cultural affairs officer and to state government in general where not in conflict with other statutory agencies. The governor will receive general counsel on the arts from the commission and from the division. B. The commission will advise the […]
A. The “arts division” is created within the cultural affairs department. B. Subject to the authority of the secretary of cultural affairs, the administrative and executive head of the arts division is the “director” of the arts division. The director shall be hired by the secretary from a list of three to five names supplied […]
The powers and duties of the arts division of the office of cultural affairs shall be: A. to advise and assist public agencies in planning civic beautification; B. to foster appreciation for the fine arts; C. to make this state more appealing to the world; D. to encourage the creative activity in the arts of […]
ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 1978, ch. 70, § 7 repealed 4-23-2 to 4-23-6.1, 1953 Comp. (former 18-5-2 to 18-5-9 NMSA 1978), relating to the arts commission, effective March 31, 1978.