A. There is created in the state treasury the “Vietnam veterans’ scholarship fund”. The fund shall consist of all money appropriated to the fund and any grants, gifts and bequests made to the fund. Any money in the fund that was the result of grants, gifts or bequests shall not revert to the general fund […]
A. A Vietnam veteran may apply to the veterans’ services department for a scholarship. The department shall determine the eligibility of an applicant and certify approved applicants to the commission on higher education [higher education department]. B. The commission on higher education [higher education department] shall pay by voucher to the appropriate educational institution an […]
A. There is created in the state treasury the “military war veteran scholarship fund”. The fund shall consist of money appropriated to the fund, any grants, gifts and bequests made to the fund and income from investment of the fund. Any money in the fund from grants, gifts, bequests or investment income shall not revert […]