This act [40-5A-1 to 40-5A-13 NMSA 1978] may be cited as the “Parental Responsibility Act”. History: Laws 1995, ch. 25, § 1. ANNOTATIONS Cross references. — For the State Directory of New Hires Act, see 50-13-1 NMSA 1978 et seq.
The supreme court shall adopt by order rules for the denial of applications or licensing and renewal of licenses and for the suspension or revocation of licenses of lawyers and other persons licensed by the supreme court for the failure of an applicant or licensee to be in compliance with a judgment and order for […]
A board may enter into a joint powers agreement with the regulation and licensing department to administer the provisions of the Parental Responsibility Act for the board. History: Laws 1995, ch. 25, § 11.
A. The department may enter into joint powers agreements with boards to assist in the implementation of the Parental Responsibility Act. The agreements shall provide for payment to the boards of federal funds to cover the portion of costs allowable under federal law and regulation that are incurred by the boards in implementing those sections. […]
The department shall report to the governor and the legislature by December 1 of each year on the progress of child support enforcement measures, including: A. the number of delinquent obligors certified by the department; B. the number of obligors who also were licensees or applicants subject to the provisions of the Parental Responsibility Act; […]
The purpose of the Parental Responsibility Act is to require: A. parents to eliminate child support arrearages in order to be issued, maintain or renew a license; and B. compliance with, after receiving appropriate notice, subpoenas or warrants relating to paternity or child support, which will subsequently reduce both the number of children in New […]
As used in the Parental Responsibility Act: A. “applicant” means an obligor who is applying for issuance of a license; B. “board” means: (1) the construction industries commission, the construction industries division and the electrical bureau, mechanical bureau and general construction bureau of the construction industries division of the regulation and licensing department; (2) the […]
A person who submits an application for a license issued by a board is not eligible for issuance of the license if he is not in compliance with a judgment and order for support or subpoenas or warrants relating to paternity or child support proceedings. A board that denies or proposes to deny the application […]
A licensee who seeks renewal of his license from a board is not eligible to have the license renewed if he is not in compliance with a judgment and order for support or subpoenas or warrants relating to paternity or child support proceedings. A board that denies or proposes to deny the renewal of a […]
The failure of a licensee to be in compliance with a judgment and order for support or subpoena or warrants relating to paternity or child support proceedings is grounds for suspension or revocation of a license. The proceeding shall be conducted by a board or the administrative hearings office pursuant to the law governing suspension […]
The department shall provide each board with a certified list of obligors not in compliance with a judgment and order for support or subpoenas or warrants relating to paternity or child support proceedings within ten calendar days after the first day of each month. By the end of the month in which the certified list […]
As part of a judgment and order for support, a district court may require the obligor to surrender any license held by him or may refer the matter to the appropriate board for further action. History: Laws 1995, ch. 25, § 8.
On or before November 1, 1995, boards shall promulgate and file, in accordance with the States Rules Act [Chapter 14, Article 4 NMSA 1978], rules and regulations to implement the provisions of the Parental Responsibility Act. History: Laws 1995, ch. 25, § 9.