If anyone, who has in his custody, or under his control, a person entitled to a writ of habeas corpus, whether a writ has been issued or not, transfers such prisoner to the custody, or places him under the power or control of another person, or conceals him, or changes the place of his confinement, […]
Application for such writ shall be made by petition to any judge of the supreme court, signed and verified either by the party for whose relief it is intended, or by some person in his behalf, as follows: to the supreme or district court or to any judge thereof, being within the district where the […]
Any officer, or other person, refusing to deliver a copy of any order, warrant, process or other authority, by which he detains any person, to anyone who demands such copy and tenders the fees thereof, shall forfeit two hundred dollars [($200)] to the person so detained. History: Laws 1884, ch. 1, § 29; C.L. 1884, […]
Every writ of habeas corpus may be made returnable at a day certain, or forthwith, as the case may require, and shall be under the seal of the court. History: Laws 1884, ch. 1, § 30; C.L. 1884, § 2041; C.L. 1897, § 2811; Code 1915, § 2619; C.S. 1929, § 63-131; 1941 Comp., § […]
It can only be served by an elector of this state, and the service thereof shall not be deemed complete unless the party serving the same tenders to the person in whose custody the prisoner is, if such person is a sheriff, constable or marshal, the fees allowed by law for bringing up such prisoner. […]
Every writ of habeas corpus issued pursuant to this chapter may be served by delivering the same to the person to whom it is directed. If he cannot be found, it may be served by being left at the jail or other place in which the prisoner is confined, with any under officer or other […]
If the person on whom the writ ought to be served, conceals himself, or refuses admittance to the party attempting to serve the same, it may be served by affixing the same in some conspicuous place on the outside, either of his dwelling house or of the place where the party is confined. History: Laws […]
If the writ is returnable at a certain day, such return shall be made, and such prisoner produced at the time and place specified therein; if he is returnable forthwith, and the place is within twenty miles of the place of service, such return shall be made and such prisoner produced within twenty-four hours, and […]
Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to restrain the power of any court to issue a writ of habeas corpus when necessary to bring before them any prisoner for trial, in any criminal case lawfully pending in the same court, or to bring any prisoner to be examined as a witness in any […]
The sheriff or person who shall be required to bring up a person on habeas corpus, if the person be held by virtue of any legal process directed to such person as an officer, shall be entitled to the same fees and allowances as are allowed to sheriffs for removing prisoners in other cases. History: […]
If the petition for the writ is filed in any federal court, all the reasonably necessary costs, fees and expenses incurred or paid by the respondent shall be paid by the penitentiary of New Mexico. The budget of the penitentiary shall include an item for the anticipated expenses of habeas corpus proceedings. If budgeted funds […]
Whenever application for any such writ is made to any officer not residing within the district where the prisoner is detained, he shall require proof by oath of the party applying, or by other sufficient evidence, that there is no officer in such district authorized to grant the writ; or if there is one, that […]
The petition shall state in substance: A. that the person in whose behalf the writ is applied for is imprisoned or restrained of his liberty, the officer or person by whom he is so confined or restrained and the place where, naming both parties, if their names are known, or describing them if they are […]
Every writ of habeas corpus issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be substantially in the following form: The state of New Mexico to the sheriff of, etc., or to A.B.: You are hereby commanded to have the body of C.D., by you imprisoned and detained, as it is said, together with the time […]
Such writ of habeas corpus shall not be disobeyed for any defect of form. It is sufficient: A. if the person having the custody of the prisoner is designated either by his name or office, if he has any, or by his own name, or if both such names are unknown or uncertain, he may […]
If any officer herein authorized to grant writs of habeas corpus willfully refuses to grant such writ when legally applied for, he shall forfeit for any such offense, to the party aggrieved, one thousand dollars [($1,000)]. History: Laws 1884, ch. 1, § 8; C.L. 1884, § 2019; C.L. 1897, § 2788; Code 1915, § 2596; […]
The person upon whom such writ is duly served shall state in his return plainly and unequivocally: A. whether he has or has not the party in his custody, or control, or under his restraint, and, if he has not, whether he has had the party in his custody, or under his control or restraint, […]