The term “real estate”, as used in Chapter 47 NMSA 1978, shall be so construed as to be applicable to lands, tenements and hereditaments, including all real movable property and leaseholds. As used in this section “leasehold” means an estate in real estate or real property held under a lease. History: Laws 1851-1852, p. 372; […]
When the remainder of a possession is limited to the heirs or heirs of the body of a person who holds said property as a life estate, in these premises the persons who at the termination of said life estate, are to be heirs or heirs of the body of said life estate, shall be […]
When any possession has been or shall be conveyed limiting the remainder of the possession to the son or daughter of any person, born after the death of its parent, possession shall be taken the same as if he or she was born during the life of the parent, although no possession should have been […]
A future possession depending upon the contingency of the death of a person without heirs shall be revoked by the birth of a posthumous son or daughter of said person capable of succeeding him. History: Laws 1851-1852, p. 376; C.L. 1865, ch. 44, § 29; C.L. 1884, § 1428; C.L. 1897, § 2048; Code 1915, […]
Grants of rents, returns or remainders of possession shall be valid without the previous ceremonies of the tenants, but no tenant having paid any rent to the grantor before receiving notice of the transfer shall be injured thereby. History: Laws 1851-1852, p. 376; C.L. 1865, ch. 44, § 30; C.L. 1884, § 1429; C.L. 1897, […]
That the possibility or right of reversion for breach or violation of condition or conditions subsequent contained in any deed or other instrument conveying real estate in the state of New Mexico, is hereby made assignable, and the grantor in any such instrument heretofore or hereafter made affecting real estate in the state of New […]
The assignee of or any successor to the right of reentry, forfeiture and reversion for breach or violation of condition or conditions subsequent, is hereby given upon such assignment, all of the rights and privileges of the original grantor for the enforcement of reentry, forfeiture and reversion when any such condition or conditions subsequent shall […]
History: Laws 1863-1864, p. 54; C.L. 1865, ch. 101, § 8; C.L. 1884, § 1493; C.L. 1897, § 2143; Code 1915, § 4771; C.S. 1929, § 117-115; 1941 Comp., § 75-120; 1953 Comp., § 70-1-23; 1978 Comp., § 47-1-25, repealed by Laws 2007, ch. 266, § 1. ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 2007, ch. 266, § […]
That the entry of payment of taxes by any person, partnership, corporation or corporations upon tax rolls of any county opposite the assessment of any real estate on the said tax rolls or the entry upon the said tax rolls or any other official tax records in the office of the county assessor or treasurer […]
The forms set forth in the appendix to this act [47-1-44 NMSA 1978] may be used and shall be sufficient for their respective purposes. They shall be known as “statutory forms” and may be referred to as such. They may be altered as circumstances require, and the authorization of such forms shall not prevent the […]
For the purpose of avoiding the unnecessary use of words in deeds or other instruments relating to real estate whether said statutory form or other form is used, the rules and definitions contained in this act [47-1-27 to 47-1-44 NMSA 1978] shall apply to all such instruments executed or delivered on or after the effective […]
A deed in substance following the form entitled “warranty deed” in the appendix to this act [47-1-44 NMSA 1978] shall, when duly executed, have the force and effect of a deed in fee simple to the grantee, his heirs and assigns, to his and their own use, with covenants on the part of the grantor […]
A deed in substance following the form entitled “quitclaim deed” shall, when duly executed, have the force and effect of a deed in fee simple to the grantee, his heirs and assigns, to his and their own use of any interest the grantor owns in the premises, without warranty. History: 1941 Comp., § 75-129, enacted […]
A deed in substance following the form entitled “special warranty deed” shall, when duly executed, have the force and effect of a deed in fee simple to the grantee, his heirs and assigns, to his and their own use, with covenants on the part of the grantor, for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, […]
In a conveyance of real estate the word “grant” shall be a sufficient word of conveyance without the use of the words “give, bargain, sell and convey” and no covenant shall be implied from the use of the word, “grant.” History: 1941 Comp., § 75-131, enacted by Laws 1947, ch. 203, § 6; 1953 Comp., […]
In a conveyance or reservation of real estate the terms, “heirs,” “assigns” or other technical words of inheritance shall not be necessary to convey or reserve an estate in fee. A deed or reservation of real estate shall be construed to convey or reserve an estate in fee simple, unless a different intention clearly appears […]
In a conveyance or mortgage of real estate all rights, easements, privileges and appurtenances belonging to the granted estate shall be included in the conveyance, unless the contrary shall be stated in the deed, and it shall be unnecessary to enumerate or mention them generally or specifically. History: 1941 Comp., § 75-133, enacted by Laws […]
In a conveyance or mortgage of real estate, the designation of two or more grantees “as joint tenants” shall be construed to mean that the conveyance is to the grantees as joint tenants, and not as tenants in common, and to the survivor of them and the heirs and assigns of the survivor. History: 1941 […]
A joint tenancy in real property is one owned by two or more persons, each owning the whole and an equal undivided share, by a title created by a single devise or conveyance, when expressly declared in the will or conveyance to be a joint tenancy, or by conveyance from a sole owner to himself […]
In a conveyance of real estate the words, “warranty covenants” shall have the full force, meaning and effect of the following words: “the grantor for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and successors, covenants with the grantee, his heirs, successors and assigns, that he is lawfully seized in fee simple of the granted premises; that they […]