This article [Chapter 59A, Article 34 NMSA 1978] applies as to domestic stock insurers and domestic mutual insurers as defined in Sections 71, 74, and 76 [59A-5-4, 59A-5-7, 59A-5-9 NMSA 1978] of the Insurance Code. History: Laws 1984, ch. 127, § 547. ANNOTATIONS Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 43 Am. Jur. 2d […]
A. Every domestic insurer shall keep at its principal place of business in this state its original books, records, documents, accounts and vouchers in such manner that its financial condition can be ascertained, its financial statements filed with the superintendent readily verified, and its compliance with law determined. A domestic insurer the records of which […]
No insurer shall make any disbursement of one hundred dollars ($100) or more unless evidenced by a voucher or other document correctly describing the consideration for the payment and supported by a check or receipt endorsed or signed by or on behalf of the recipient. If the disbursement is for services and reimbursement the voucher […]
A. Every domestic insurer shall keep its assets within this state except as requisite for normal transaction of business. B. An insurer may maintain in or in connection with its branch office located outside this state furniture, fixtures, supplies and funds normally required for operation of the branch office. C. An insurer may maintain on […]
A. No person shall remove all or any material part of the records or assets of a domestic insurer from this state except pursuant to a plan of merger, consolidation or bulk reinsurance approved by the superintendent under this article, or for such other reasonable purposes and periods of time as may be permissible under […]
A. This section and Sections 561 and 562 [59A-34-15 and 59A-34-16 NMSA] of this article apply to all domestic stock insurers except: (1) a domestic stock insurer having of record less than one hundred (100) holders of any class of equities securities; but if ninety-five percent or more of the insurer’s equity securities are owned […]
Every insurer to which Section 560 [59A-34-14 NMSA 1978] applies shall timely furnish to its stockholders, in advance of stockholder meetings, information in writing reasonably adequate to inform them relative to all matters to be presented by the insurer’s management for consideration of stockholders at the meeting. History: Laws 1984, ch. 127, § 561.
A. No person shall solicit a proxy, consent or authorization in respect of any stock or other voting security of such an insurer unless he furnishes the person so solicited with written information reasonably adequate as to: (1) the material matters in regard to which the powers so solicited are proposed to be used; and […]
A. No domestic insurer shall make, amend or renew any contract whereby any person is granted or is to enjoy in fact the management of the insurer to the material exclusion of its board of directors or to have the controlling or preemptive right to produce substantially all insurance business for the insurer, or, if […]
A. A domestic stock insurer shall not pay any cash dividend to stockholders except out of that part of its available and accumulated surplus funds otherwise unrestricted and derived from realized net operation profits and realized capital gains. B. A cash dividend otherwise lawful may be so paid out of the insurer’s earned surplus which […]
A. If provided for in its articles of incorporation a stock or mutual insurer may issue any or all of its policies with or without participation in profits, savings or unabsorbed portions of premiums, may classify policies issued on a participating or nonparticipating basis and may determine the right to participate and the extent of […]
The applicable statutes of this state relating to the powers and procedures of domestic private corporations formed for profit shall also apply to domestic stock insurers and to domestic mutual insurers except where in conflict with the express provisions of the Insurance Code and the reasonable implications of such provisions. History: Laws 1984, ch. 127, […]
A. The directors of a domestic mutual insurer may from time to time apportion and pay or credit to its members dividends only out of that part of its surplus funds which represents net realized savings, net realized earnings and net realized capital gains, all in excess of the surplus required by law to be […]
A. Any director of a domestic stock or mutual insurer who wilfully votes for or concurs in declaration or payment of an illegal dividend to stockholders or members shall upon conviction thereof be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) and shall be jointly and severally liable, […]
A. A domestic stock insurer shall have the right to purchase or acquire shares of its own stock only as follows: (1) for elimination of fractional shares; (2) incidental to enforcement of rights of the insurer as to lawful transactions previously entered into in good faith for purposes other than acquisition of such shares; (3) […]
A. A domestic insurer may without pledge of assets borrow money to defray expense of organization, provide surplus funds or for any purpose of its business, upon a written agreement that such money is required to be repaid only out of the insurer’s surplus in excess of that stipulated in such agreement. The agreement may […]
A. Each holder of one or more insurance policies of a domestic mutual insurer, other than holder of a reinsurance contract, is a member of the insurer with all the rights and obligations of such membership, and each such policy so issued shall so specify. B. Any person, government or governmental agency, state or political […]
A. As to management, records and affairs of the insurer a member of a domestic mutual insurer shall have the same character of rights and relationship as a stockholder has toward a domestic stock insurer. B. Subsection A above shall not be deemed to: (1) subject the mutual insurer to requirements of Sections 560 [59A-34-14 […]
A. The initial board of directors of a domestic mutual insurer shall adopt original bylaws for government of the corporation and conduct of its business. Such bylaws shall be subject to approval of the insurer’s members at the next annual meeting of members and no bylaw provision shall thereafter be effective which is not so […]
A domestic mutual insurer may in its bylaws adopt a reasonable provision for determining a quorum of members at any meeting thereof, but no provision recognizing a quorum of fewer than a simple majority in person or proxy of all the insurer’s members shall be effective unless approved as reasonable by the superintendent. This section […]