Every railroad corporation as such shall have power: A. of succession by its corporate name for the period limited in its articles of incorporation; B. to sue and be sued in any court; C. to make and use a common seal, and alter the same at pleasure; D. to acquire, purchase, hold and convey such […]
Every corporation formed under this chapter shall commence the construction of its road within two years after the date of the filing of its articles of incorporation in the office of the secretary of state and shall finish and put the same in full operation within six years thereafter or its right to further complete […]
ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 1998, ch. 108, § 81 repealed 63-2-11 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1878, ch. 1, tit. 8, § 23, relating to gauge of track, effective January 1, 1999. For provisions of former section, see the 1998 NMSA 1978 on NMOneSource.com.
Any railroad company organized under the laws of this state, may at any time by means of subscription to the capital of any other company or otherwise aid such company in the construction of its railroad within or without the state, for the purpose of forming a connection with the said last mentioned road with […]
All the powers, privileges and exemptions conferred upon corporations organized under the preceding sections of this chapter are conferred upon all corporations incorporated under the laws of this state for the purpose of constructing railroads and also upon all corporations organized for railroad purposes that have registered in the office of the secretary of state […]
Any railroad company may construct and extend its line of railroad into or through any other state, territory or foreign country upon such terms and regulations as may be prescribed by the laws of such other state, territory or foreign country, and such railroad company may purchase or lease the railroad constructed or to be […]
Any railroad company organized under the laws of another state or territory, which, by a compliance with the laws of this state relating to foreign railroad companies, has purchased or may purchase a line of railroad constructed by another company within this state, may extend such line of railroad, and project and build branches to […]
Any such railroad corporation owning or operating a line of railroad in this state and projecting one or more extensions or branches of such line of railroad in this state shall file in the office of the secretary of state and in the office of the county clerk of each county through or in which […]
ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 1998, ch. 108, § 81 repealed 63-2-17 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1882, ch. 59, § 1, relating to contracts against public policy declared void, effective January 1, 1999. For provisions of former section, see the 1998 NMSA 1978 on NMOneSource.com.
The governor of this state is hereby authorized and empowered, upon the application of any railroad company, to appoint, and to commission to serve, during his pleasure, one or more persons designated by such company, to serve at the sole expense of such company, as peace officers with all the powers of regular peace officers, […]
In addition to those powers enumerated in Section 63-2-1 NMSA 1978, every railroad corporation shall have the following powers: A. to cause such examinations and surveys to be made as may be necessary to the selection of the most suitable routes for its railroad and telegraph lines, and for that purpose, by its officers and […]
If it shall become necessary, for any of the aforesaid purposes of such corporation, to acquire any land, or any right, title, interest or estate therein, which is the property of an infant, idiot or insane person, the guardian, executor or administrator, as the case may be, may sell and convey the same to such […]
Every corporation now or hereafter incorporated under the laws of the state of New Mexico, or under the laws of any other state and lawfully authorized and admitted to do business in the state of New Mexico, which is now or may hereafter be authorized by law to own and/or operate railroads in the state […]
Any corporation so authorized by law to own or operate railroads in the state of New Mexico, may exercise the rights and powers hereby granted by one or more of the following methods: A. by direct operation of equipment and facilities owned, leased and/or otherwise held or controlled by it; B. through operations conducted by […]
Any railroad company heretofore or hereafter organized under the laws of New Mexico, shall have power to borrow money and purchase property, real and personal, for the use of the corporation, and to mortgage and pledge all or any part of its corporate franchises and property in possession or subsequently to be acquired, as security […]
There is hereby granted to every railroad corporation formed under the laws of New Mexico a right-of-way for its railroads and telegraphs to the width of one hundred feet on each side of the center line of the track over and through any of the swamp or overflowed lands or other lands, which belonged to […]
Any county, city or town in this state is empowered, by vote of its governing body, to give, grant or donate to any such railroad corporation, the use of any of the streets or highways which may be necessary or convenient to enable such corporation to reach an accessible point for a depot or station […]
Every corporation formed under this chapter within a reasonable time after its road has been finally located shall cause a map and profile thereof and of the land required and taken for the use thereof and the boundaries of the several counties through which the same may run to be made and file the same […]