Recognizing the importance of constructive leisure pursuits by New Mexico citizens, this act [66-11-1 to 66-11-5 NMSA 1978] is intended to encourage responsible participation in the hobby of collecting, preserving, restoring and maintaining motor vehicles of historic and special interest. Further, New Mexico, recognizing that the current pattern of resource recycling leads to an ever-shortening […]
For the purposes of this act [66-11-1 to 66-11-5 NMSA 1978]: A. “collector” means the owner of one or more vehicles of historic or special interest who collects, purchases, acquires, trades or disposes of these vehicles or parts thereof for his own use in order to preserve, restore and maintain a vehicle for hobby purposes; […]
A collector may store motor vehicles or parts thereof on his private property provided such vehicles and parts cars, and the outdoor storage areas, are maintained in such a manner that they do not constitute a health, safety or fire hazard and are effectively screened from ordinary public view by means of a solid fence, […]
A. Unless the presence of equipment named by the Motor Vehicle Code [66-1-1 NMSA 1978] was a prior condition for legal sale within New Mexico at the time the historic or special interest vehicle was manufactured for first use, the presence of such equipment shall not be required as a condition for current legal use. […]
The sale or trade and subsequent legal transfer of a motor vehicle or parts car of historic or special interest shall not be contingent upon any condition that would require the vehicle or parts car to be in operating condition at the time of sale or transfer of ownership. History: 1953 Comp., § 64-41-5, enacted […]