A. A person who does not have a valid New Mexico driver’s license may be issued an identification card by the department. An application for an identification card or renewal of an identification card shall be made upon a form furnished by the department. B. The department shall establish two distinct identification cards as provided […]
The department may issue an identification card only to a person who is a New Mexico resident and who does not have a valid New Mexico license. History: 1953 Comp., § 64-5-402, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 329; 1987, ch. 10, § 1; 1993, ch. 328, § 3; 1999, ch. 76, § 4; […]
A. Except as provided in Subsections B through E of this section, every identification card shall be issued for a period not to exceed four years and shall expire four years after the effective date of the identification card. B. An identification card may be renewed within ninety days prior to its expiration or at […]
In the event an identification card issued pursuant to Section 66-5-402 NMSA 1978 is lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated or a name or address is changed, the person to whom the identification card was issued may obtain a replacement upon furnishing satisfactory proof of age and identity to the department and paying the required fee. […]
A. A REAL ID-compliant identification card shall bear the applicant’s full legal name; date of birth; sex; current New Mexico residence address; full-face or front-view digital photograph of the identification card holder; a unique identification card number; a date of issuance; an expiration date; a brief description of the identification card holder; and the signature […]
No public entity shall be liable for any loss or injury resulting directly or indirectly from false or inaccurate information contained in identification cards issued by the motor vehicle division. History: 1953 Comp., § 64-5-406, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 333.
No person shall be held responsible in a court of law for any act or failure to act which is directly attributable to his reliance upon the information contained in an identification card issued pursuant to Section [Sections] 66-5-401 through 66-5-408 NMSA 1978; provided he has made a reasonable attempt to ascertain that the information […]
A. Upon application for an identification card with a four-year term, there shall be paid to the department a fee of five dollars ($5.00). Upon application for an identification card with an eight-year term, there shall be paid to the department a fee of ten dollars ($10.00). A fee shall not be charged to an […]
A. It is a misdemeanor for any person to: (1) use or possess an altered, forged or fictitious identification card; (2) alter or forge an identification card or make a fictitious identification card; (3) lend the person’s identification card to any other person or to knowingly permit the use of the person’s identification card by […]