A. For the registration of motorcycles, the department shall collect the following fees for a twelve-month registration period: (1) for a motorcycle having not more than two wheels in contact with the ground, fifteen dollars ($15.00); and (2) for a motorcycle having three wheels in contact with the ground or having a sidecar, fifteen dollars […]
A. For the registration of each manufactured home, the division shall collect a fee of seven dollars ($7.00). B. The division shall compile and transmit to each county assessor each year a list of the manufactured homes that are registered with the division showing the assessor’s county as the principal location of the manufactured home. […]
The weight for determining registration fees for all vehicles shall be the gross factory shipping weight, or if the gross factory shipping weight is unavailable, the actual empty weight of the vehicle, except as otherwise provided by law for trucks, truck tractors, road tractors, buses, freight trailers, utility trailers and travel trailers. History: 1953 Comp., […]
A. Registration fees for school buses used solely for the purpose of transportation of school children and other school activities shall be seven dollars ($7.00) a year, except that the fee for a school bus permanently registered pursuant to Subsection A of Section 1 [66-3-30 MSA 1978] of this 2007 act is: (1) for a […]
A. Upon a showing satisfactory to the division that a vehicle has not been operated on the highways of this state: (1) prior to April 1 of the year in which registration is sought, the registration fee shall be three-fourths of the annual fee; (2) prior to July 1 of the year in which registration […]
Vehicles or trailers owned by and used in the service of the United States or of any other state or political subdivision thereof, other than the state of New Mexico, need not be registered but must continually display plates or signs setting forth the fact that they are in the service of the United States […]
A. Vehicles or trailers owned by and used in the service of an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo located wholly or partly in this state or of any county or municipality of this state need not be registered but must continually display plates furnished by the division. B. Vehicles on loan from dealers and used […]
A person who is a bona fide resident of New Mexico, who served in the armed forces of the United States, who was honorably discharged and who suffered the loss or complete and total loss of use of one or both legs at or above the ankle or one or both arms at or above […]
A. Except as provided otherwise in Subsection C of this section, every dealer, except a dealer in motorcycles only, shall pay each license year fifty dollars ($50.00) for each dealer plate issued pursuant to Section 66-3-402 NMSA 1978 to the dealer for that license year. B. Except as provided otherwise in Subsection C of this […]
For a license to do business as a dealer, wholesaler, distributor or any combination of the foregoing or as an auto recycler or as a title service company, there shall be paid a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each license year or portion thereof. History: 1953 Comp., § 64-6-18, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. […]
A. For any transaction concerning the initial issuance, transfer or revocation of a title or registration, including filing and recording documents, releasing liens and certifying copies, the division shall charge three dollars ($3.00). As used in this subsection, “transaction” means all operations necessary at one time with respect to one vehicle, including the inspection required […]
For the registration of motor vehicles other than motorcycles, trucks, buses and tractors, the division shall collect the following fees for each twelve-month registration period: A. for a vehicle whose gross factory shipping weight is not more than two thousand pounds, twenty-seven dollars ($27.00); provided, however, that after five years of registration, calculated from the […]
ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 1999, ch. 49, § 9 repealed 66-6-20 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 355, relating to distribution of vehicle transaction fees, effective July 1, 1999. For provisions of former section, see the 1998 NMSA 1978 on NMOneSource.com. For present comparable provisions, see 66-6-23 NMSA 1978.
ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 1990, ch. 120, § 44 repealed 66-6-21 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 356, relating to former 66-6-20 NMSA 1978, controlling over all conflicting acts passed in the 1965 session of the legislature, effective July 1, 1990. For provisions of former section, see the 1989 NMSA 1978 […]
A. Whenever any application to the department is accompanied by any fee as required by the Motor Vehicle Code [66-1-1 NMSA 1978] or the Motor Transportation Act [Chapter 65, Articles 1, 3 and 5 NMSA 1978] and the application is refused or rejected, the fee shall be returned to the applicant. B. Any person who […]
A. There is created in the state treasury a fund to be known as the “motor vehicle suspense fund”. B. The fees collected under the provisions of Sections 66-1-1 through 66-6-19 NMSA 1978 shall be paid to the state treasurer for the credit of the motor vehicle suspense fund not later than the close of […]
A. The provisions of this section apply to disbursements from the motor vehicle suspense fund. B. If the secretary determines that a prior disbursement from the fund is erroneous, the secretary shall, pursuant to law, rules or procedures of the department of finance and administration, adjust future disbursements by the amount necessary to correct the […]
A. After the necessary disbursements for refunds and other purposes have been made, the money remaining in the motor vehicle suspense fund, except for remittances received within the previous two months that are unidentified as to source or disposition, shall be distributed as follows: (1) to each municipality, county or fee agent operating a motor […]
A. The balance from Section 66-6-23 NMSA 1978 shall be transferred or distributed by the state treasurer on or before the last day of the month next after its receipt, as follows: (1) seventy-four and sixty-five hundredths percent shall be distributed to the state road fund; (2) seven and six-tenths percent shall be transferred to […]
ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 1989, ch. 85, § 1 repealed 66-6-24 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 359, relating to state road suspense fund, effective June 16, 1989.