The establishment of conservancy districts for the purposes and in the manner provided for in this act is hereby declared to be conducive to the public health, safety, convenience and welfare. History: Laws 1927, ch. 45, § 101; C.S. 1929, § 30-101; 1941 Comp., § 77-2701; 1953 Comp., § 75-28-1. ANNOTATIONS Compiler’s notes. — The […]
Upon entry of the order of the court, the board of county commissioners of any county within which the proposed district lies, shall cause to be published a notice of the election in a newspaper of general circulation in the proposed conservancy district, at least once a week for three consecutive weeks. History: 1953 Comp., […]
The form of the ballots for the creation of the conservancy district shall be printed and appear in substantially the following form: “BALLOT On the question of the formation of __________ Conservancy District. (Place “X” in one of the boxes below) For the creation of the conservancy district [ ] Against the creation of the […]
A. The election on the issue of whether the proposed conservancy district will be created shall be conducted and canvassed in the same manner in the territory of the proposed district as elections for municipal school board members are carried out. Only persons who are qualified electors and landowners of the district shall be eligible […]
A. The court, upon receipt of the certified results of the election that a majority of the persons voting have voted in favor of creating the district, shall declare the district organized. B. Thereupon, the district shall be a political subdivision of the state and a body corporate with all the powers of a public […]
Sections 73-14-9 through 73-14-13 NMSA 1978 shall not be construed as applying to any conservancy district organized for the purpose of providing and maintaining for surface waters: flood protection, river control, drainage, water storage for supplementing irrigation needs, constructing and maintaining distribution systems for irrigation and other improvements for public health and safety. History: 1953 […]
A. In respect to conservancy districts involving surface waters, upon the hearing of the petitions as provided in Section 73-14-8 NMSA 1978, if it shall appear that a petition for the organization of a district has been signed and presented, as hereinbefore provided, and that the allegations of the petition are true, that the lands […]
Within thirty days after the district has been declared a corporation by the court, the clerk shall transmit to the secretary of state and to the probate clerk and ex-officio recorder in each of the counties having lands in the district, copies of the findings and the order of the court incorporating the district. The […]
A. Within thirty (30) days after entering the decree incorporating said district or, in cases of conservancy districts heretofore created under the laws of the state of New Mexico, within thirty (30) days after the passage and approval of this act (§§ 77-2701 – 77-2928, 77-3001 – 77-3024) the conservancy court shall appoint as a […]
As the same are now constituted, any conservancy district organized under the provisions of the Conservancy Act of New Mexico and such conservancy district being created prior to 1930, embracing land situate in four or more counties and having an appointed board of directors, shall, after the election and qualification of the board of directors […]
The boards of directors created by Sections 73-14-18 through 73-14-32 NMSA 1978 shall consist of three directors from and representing that portion of the most populous county within the conservancy district, one director each from and representing those portions of each of the remaining counties within the conservancy district and one director from and representing […]
This act shall be construed as applying to districts organized for the purpose of providing and maintaining flood protection, river control, drainage, water storage for supplementing irrigation needs, constructing and maintaining distribution systems for irrigation; and other improvements for public health, safety, convenience and welfare either in cooperation with the United States government or any […]
As used in Sections 73-14-18 through 73-14-32 NMSA 1978: A. “absent voter” means a qualified elector who has requested an absentee ballot forty days prior to an election; B. “absentee-early voter” means a qualified elector who has voted early, prior to election day, on an electronic voting machine at a designated absentee-early voter precinct; C. […]
As used in Sections 73-14-18 through 73-14-30 NMSA 1978: A. “benefited area” means that area described by a property appraisal that receives a benefit as a result of the creation of a district for any of the purposes specified in Section 73-14-4 NMSA 1978; B. “list compiler” means a contractor approved by the board of […]
A. The board of directors of the conservancy district may contract for a list compiler before each election to compile and produce a qualified elector’s list for the district. The list compiler shall deliver the completed list to the election director no later than forty-five days prior to a district election. An individual who purchases […]
A. The board of directors of the conservancy district may contract for a list compiler before each election to compile and produce a qualified elector’s list for the district. The list compiler shall deliver the completed list to the appropriate county clerk no later than one hundred eighty days prior to a district election and […]
A. Each member of the board of directors shall be elected for a term of four years and, unless removed from office, shall serve until his successor is duly elected and has qualified; provided that in the first election immediately following the effective date of the provisions of this act [73-14-18 to 73-14-32 NMSA 1978], […]
The representation on the board of directors of the conservancy district shall be apportioned as follows: A. three members shall be elected from and by the qualified electors of the most populous county within the conservancy district; B. one member each shall be elected from and by the qualified electors of those portions of each […]
A member of the conservancy district board may be suspended or removed in the same manner and for the same reasons that a county officer may be suspended or removed. History: 1953 Comp., § 75-28-11.6, enacted by Laws 1975, ch. 262, § 6. ANNOTATIONS Cross references. — For removal of local officers, see 10-4-1 to […]
A. On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January prior to the middle Rio Grande conservancy district election, an election proclamation shall be published that includes a list of the offices for which a candidate may file, the date and place at which declarations of candidacy shall be filed and the date of […]