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Home » US Law » 2021 New Mexico Statutes » Chapter 73 - Special Districts » Article 14 - Conservancy Districts; Definitions; Organization and Management

Section 73-14-24 – Time and procedure for election. (Effective July 1, 2022.)

A. The members of the boards of directors created pursuant to the provisions of Sections 73-14-18 through 73-14-30 NMSA 1978 shall be elected pursuant to the Local Election Act [Chapter 1, Article 22 NMSA 1978]. B. The elections for the members of the board of directors of the conservancy district shall be conducted, counted and […]

Section 73-14-25 – Declaration of candidacy; signatures of electors.

A. Any person who desires to become a candidate for election as a member of the conservancy district board of directors shall file his written declaration of candidacy with the election director or with the election officer at least sixty days before the election. The election officer or the election director shall certify the candidates […]

Section 73-14-26 – Designation of positions for purposes of election.

For purposes of election to the board of directors of the conservancy district, each office on the board shall be assigned a position number in numerical sequence beginning with the at-large position, and then next those positions within the most populous county. At all elections the same position numbers shall be used to designate the […]

Section 73-14-27 – Election; location of polling places; notice of election; creation of absent voter precinct. (Repealed effective July 1, 2022.)

A. For every conservancy district election, the board of directors shall provide for adequate polling places within the boundaries of the conservancy district. In addition, the board of directors shall provide a polling place at the main office of the conservancy district and may provide such other locations as it deems necessary. The board of […]

Section 73-14-28 – Election judges. (Repealed effective July 1, 2022.)

The election officer or the election director shall select two or more election judges for each polling place established within the conservancy district. The election officer or the election director shall also appoint absentee-early voter and absent voter precinct boards. History: 1953 Comp., § 75-28-11.11, enacted by Laws 1975, ch. 262, § 11; 1996, ch. […]

Section 73-14-28.1 – Election.

The board of directors of the conservancy district shall conduct the election pursuant to Chapter 73, Article 14 NMSA 1978 and other applicable election laws or shall select an election director as defined in Section 73-14-20 NMSA 1978 to provide election services. The election director shall operate pursuant to a contract approved by the secretary […]

Section 73-14-28.1 – Election. (Effective July 1, 2022.)

Elections shall be conducted pursuant to Sections 73-14-18 through 73-14-30 NMSA 1978 and the Local Election Act [Chapter 1, Article 22 NMSA 1978]. History: Laws 1996, ch. 42, § 12; 2018, ch. 79, § 143. ANNOTATIONS The 2018 amendment, effective July 1, 2022, provided that conservancy district elections shall be conducted pursuant to Sections 73-14-18 […]

Section 73-14-29 – Form of ballot. (Repealed effective July 1, 2022.)

The election officer or the election director shall oversee the preparation and printing of the ballots for a conservancy district election. Ballots shall be prepared and printed at the expense of the conservancy district. The election officer or the election director shall oversee the preparation of a separate ballot for each county within the conservancy […]

Section 73-14-3 – Definition of terms.

A. This act may be known and cited as “The Conservancy Act of New Mexico”; the districts created hereunder may be termed “conservancy districts”; and the bonds which may be issued hereunder may be called “conservancy bonds,” and such designation may be engraved or printed on their face; the tax books and records provided hereunder […]

Section 73-14-30 – Election expenses.

The conservancy district board shall pay out of the district’s treasury those sums necessary to meet the actual expenses of elections. The board may levy a tax or assessment sufficient to meet election expenses on all property that is subject to direct assessment or taxation within the district. History: 1953 Comp., § 75-28-11.13, enacted by […]

Section 73-14-31.1 – Absentee ballot application. (Repealed effective July 1, 2022.)

A. Application by a qualified elector for an absentee ballot shall be made on the official form prescribed by the board of directors and printed and furnished by the election director. The form shall identify the applicant and contain information to establish the applicant’s qualification as a qualified elector for issuance of an absentee ballot. […]

Section 73-14-32 – Repealed.

ANNOTATIONS Repeals. — Laws 1996, ch. 42, § 18 repealed 73-14-32 NMSA 1978, enacted by Laws 1975, ch. 262, § 15, relating to election violations and penalties, effective March 4, 1996. For provisions of former section, see the 1995 NMSA 1978 on For present comparable provisions, see 73-14-89 to 73-14-92 NMSA 1978.

Section 73-14-33 – Organization of the board of directors.

A. Immediately after their appointment the directors shall meet for the purpose of organizing the board of directors. Each director before entering upon his official duties shall take and subscribe to an oath before an officer authorized to administer oaths, that he will honestly, faithfully and impartially perform the duties of his office, and that […]

Section 73-14-34 – Quorum.

A majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum, and a concurrence of the majority in any matter within their duties shall be sufficient for its determination. History: Laws 1927, ch. 45, § 303; C.S. 1929, § 30-303; 1941 Comp., § 77-2713; 1953 Comp., § 75-28-13.

Section 73-14-35 – Employment of agents.

A. The secretary shall be the custodian of the records of the district and of its corporate seal, and shall assist the board on such particulars as it may direct in the performance of its duties. The secretary shall attest, under the corporate seal, all certified copies of the official records and files that may […]

Section 73-14-36 – Preparation of plans.

A. Upon their qualification, the board shall prepare or cause to be prepared a plan for the improvements for which the district was created. Such plan shall include such maps, profiles, plans and other data and descriptions as may be necessary to set forth properly the location and character of the work, and of the […]