Whenever a majority of the resident freeholders owning one-third in area of the lands, or evidence of title to lands so owned, within the limits of any federal reclamation project in the state of New Mexico shall desire to provide for the drainage of such lands or of any portion thereof, they may propose the […]
For the first election to be held under the provisions of this act [73-8-1 to 73-8-60 NMSA 1978] requisite ballots shall be provided under the direction of the board of county commissioners; and at all elections subsequent to the organization of any such district all such ballots shall be provided by the district. History: Laws […]
Any person residing within any county in which any portion of a drainage district or proposed drainage district shall lie, and who is the owner of agricultural land within the limits of the district shall, for the purposes of this act [73-8-1 to 73-8-60 NMSA 1978], be considered a resident freeholder. History: Laws 1917, ch. […]
On the second Monday next succeeding the first eletcion [election] provided for by this act [73-8-1 to 73-8-60 NMSA 1978], the board of county commissioners shall meet and proceed to canvass the votes cast at such election and declare the result as by this act provided. If it shall appear that the proposition for the […]
Regular elections of any such district shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of December of each second calendar year following the first election hereinbefore provided for. History: Laws 1917, ch. 22, § 13; C.S. 1929, § 40-213; 1941 Comp., § 77-2013; 1953 Comp., § 75-21-13. ANNOTATIONS Bracketed material. — The […]
Within ten days after receiving the certificates of election all officers shall take and subscribe the official oath and file the same in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein the organization was effected and immediately thereafter shall assume the duties of their respective offices. History: Laws 1917, ch. 22, § 14; […]
The offices of the board of directors shall be located in the county where the organization is effected. Fifteen days prior to any election held under the provisions of this act [73-8-1 to 73-8-60 NMSA 1978], subsequent to the organization of the district the secretary of such district shall cause to be posted in three […]
One of the judges shall be chairman of the election board. Before entering upon the discharge of their duties election judges shall take an oath for the faithful performance of their duties as such in the manner prescribed by the general election laws of the state. The polls shall be opened at nine o’clock in […]
On the first Monday after any election other than the first election herein provided for, the board of directors shall meet at the office of the district and canvass the returns. If at such time it shall appear that returns from any precinct have not been received the canvass shall be postponed from day to […]
As soon as the result of any election has been declared the secretary of the board of directors shall prepare and file with the county clerk of the county in which the office of the district is located a statement showing: first, a copy of the publication notice of the election; second, the names of […]
The directors, having duly qualified, shall organize the board by the election of a president as hereinbefore provided and shall appoint a secretary. The board shall also adopt a seal and shall manage and conduct the affairs and business of the district, make and execute all necessary contracts, employ such agents, attorneys, officers and employees […]
For the purpose of establishing a drainage district under this act [73-8-1 to 73-8-60 NMSA 1978] a petition shall be filed with the board of county commissioners of the county wherein is embraced the largest acreage of the proposed district; such petition shall state the purposes of the proposed organization, shall contain a general description […]
The directors shall hold quarterly meetings on the first Tuesday in January, April, July and October, and such special meetings as may be required for the proper transaction of the business. Calls for special meetings shall be made by the president or a majority of the directors. Meetings of the board shall be public and […]
The title to all property acquired under the provisions of this chapter [73-8-1 to 73-8-60 NMSA 1978] shall immediately and by operation of law vest in such drainage district, in its corporate name, and shall be held by such district in trust for, and is hereby dedicated and set apart for the uses and purposes […]
Said board shall be authorized to make conveyances or assurances for all property acquired by it under the provisions of this act [73-8-1 to 73-8-60 NMSA 1978] in the name of the district to and for the purposes herein expressed, to institute and maintain all actions and proceedings or suits at law or in equity […]
For the purpose of constructing or purchasing or otherwise acquiring necessary rights-of-way, franchises, canals, ditches and other water conduits, or other property necessary for the use of the district, or for the maintenance, repair or improvement of its canals, ditches or other conduits or drainage works, or for the enlargement or extension thereof, or for […]
Should such bonds be issued under the provisions of this act [73-8-1 to 73-8-60 NMSA 1978] for the purposes herein expressed, the same and the interest thereon, and all payments due or to become due the ensuing year to the United States under any contract between the district and the United States, accompanying which bonds […]
If any drainage district shall contract with the United States for the construction of drainage works, it shall be within the powers and the duties of the board of directors on or before September 1st next preceding the initial payment for such works under contract with the United States, to fix and determine the rate […]
On or before September 1st of each year the board of directors of any such district shall certify to the board of county commissioners of the county in which the office of such district is located, the aggregate amount of money required for the purposes aforesaid; the amount required for the payment of interest upon […]
It shall be the duty of the county assessor of any county embracing the whole or a part of any drainage district, to assess and enter upon his tax roll each year, the names of the owners, together with a description showing the area of each tract of land in any such district of his […]