Sections 17 through 29 [9-16-1 to 9-16-13 NMSA 1978] of this act may be cited as the “Regulation and Licensing Department Act”. History: Laws 1983, ch. 297, § 17. ANNOTATIONS Effective dates. — Laws 1983, ch. 297, § 34 made Laws 1983, ch. 297, § 17 effective July 1, 1983.
Those organizational units of the department and the officers of those units specified by law shall have all of the powers and duties enumerated in the specific laws involved. However, the carrying out of those powers and duties shall be subject to the direction and supervision of the superintendent, and he shall retain the final […]
The responsibilities of the director of the financial institutions division, the director of the securities division and those of the chief of the savings and loan bureau under Sections 58-1-20 through 58-1-22, 58-1-25, 58-1-26, 58-1-28, 58-1-29, 58-1-34, 58-1-38, 58-1-46, 58-1-48, 58-1-54 through 58-1-58, 58-1-61, 58-1-62, 58-1-64, 58-1-65, 58-1-69, 58-1-72 through 58-1-75, 58-1-85, 58-2-5, 58-4-3, 58-4-4, […]
All responsibilities of the construction industries commission under Sections 60-13-6, 60-13-9 through 60-13-11, 60-13-13.2, 60-13-14 through 60-13-16, 60-13-18, 60-13-23 through 60-13-24, 60-13-27, 60-13-28, 60-13-36, 60-13-38, 60-13-41, 60-13-43, 60-13-44, 60-13-45, 60-13-49, 60-13-53, 60-13-55, 60-13-57, 61-1-1 through 61-1-33, 70-5-3 through 70-5-7, 70-5-11 through 70-5-15 and 70-5-18 NMSA 1978 are hereby explicitly exempted from the authority of the […]
All responsibilities of the mobile [manufactured] housing committee under Sections 60-14-4 through 60-14-9, 60-14-12 and 60-14-14 NMSA 1978 are hereby explicitly exempted from the authority of the superintendent of regulation and licensing under the provisions of Subsection B of Section 22 [9-16-6 NMSA 1978] of this act [9-16-1 to 9-16-13 NMSA 1978]. History: Laws 1983, […]
A. There is established in the state treasury the “regulation and licensing department operating fund” to be administered by the department. B. All money received by the administrative services division, the construction industries division, the financial institutions division, the securities division and the manufactured housing division, other than money earmarked for revolving funds, shall be […]
A. The “mortgage regulatory fund” is created as a nonreverting fund in the state treasury and shall be administered by the financial institutions division of the regulation and licensing department. The fund shall consist of application, licensing, renewal, examination, investigation and any other fees received that are associated with the costs of administering the New […]
The “state financial regulation fund” is created as a nonreverting fund in the state treasury. The fund consists of money distributed to the financial institutions division of the regulation and licensing department pursuant to the consent judgment entered by the court in litigation between mortgage lenders and various states, including New Mexico, and filed April […]
The purpose of the Regulation and Licensing Department Act is to create a single, unified department to administer all laws and exercise all functions formerly administered and exercised by the financial institutions division, the construction industries division and the mobile housing division of the commerce and industry department [repealed]. History: Laws 1983, ch. 297, § […]
As used in the Regulation and Licensing Department Act: A. “department” means the regulation and licensing department; and B. “superintendent” means the superintendent of regulation and licensing. History: Laws 1983, ch. 297, § 19. ANNOTATIONS Effective dates. — Laws 1983, ch. 297, § 34 made Laws 1983, ch. 297, § 19 effective July 1, 1983.
The “regulation and licensing department” is created in the executive branch. The department shall not be a cabinet department. The department shall consist of but not be limited to the following divisions: A. the administrative services division; B. the construction industries division; C. the financial institutions division; D. the securities division; E. the manufactured housing […]
The chief executive and administrative officer of the department is the “superintendent of regulation and licensing.” The superintendent shall be appointed by the governor and hold office at the pleasure of the governor. History: Laws 1983, ch. 297, § 21. ANNOTATIONS Effective dates. — Laws 1983, ch. 297, § 34 made Laws 1983, ch. 297, […]
A. The superintendent is responsible to the governor for the operation of the department. It is the superintendent’s duty to manage all operations of the department and to administer and enforce the laws with which the superintendent, the department or a division of the department is charged. B. To perform the superintendent’s duties, the superintendent […]
The superintendent shall appoint, with the approval of the governor, “directors” of the divisions established within the department. The positions so appointed are exempt from the Personnel Act [Chapter 10, Article 9 NMSA 1978]. History: Laws 1983, ch. 297, § 23. ANNOTATIONS Effective dates. — Laws 1983, ch. 297, § 34 made Laws 1983, ch. […]
The superintendent shall establish within each division such “bureaus” as he deems necessary to carry out the provisions of the Regulation and Licensing Department Act. He shall appoint a “chief” to be the administrative head of any such bureau. The positions so appointed may be exempted from the Personnel Act [Chapter 10, Article 9 NMSA […]
A. The administrative services division of the department shall provide administrative services to the department, including: (1) keeping all official records of the department; (2) providing clerical services in the areas of personnel and budget preparation; and (3) providing clerical, record-keeping and administrative support to agencies administratively attached to the department. B. The division shall, […]