(1)(a) The district attorney of a county shall ensure that proceedings before the grand jury are recorded in the manner described in this section and ORS 132.260. (b) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall designate the types of audio electronic recording devices suitable for recording grand jury proceedings and may establish policies and […]
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the grand juror described in ORS 132.250 (2)(a), or the shorthand reporter described in ORS 132.250 (2)(b), who is recording grand jury proceedings shall record all testimony given before the grand jury, including: (a) The case name and number; (b) The name of each witness […]
(1) Audio recordings and the notes or report of a shorthand reporter produced pursuant to ORS 132.250 and 132.260 are confidential and may not be released except as described in this section. (2) When an indictment resulting from grand jury proceedings is indorsed “a true bill,” the audio recording or the notes or report of […]
The grand jury shall retire into a private room and may inquire into crimes committed or triable in the county and present them to the court, either by presentment or indictment, as provided in ORS 132.310 to 132.390. [Amended by 1973 c.836 §45]
(1) Except as provided in subsections (2) to (13) of this section, in the investigation of a charge for the purpose of indictment, the grand jury shall receive no other evidence than such as might be given on the trial of the person charged with the crime in question. (2) A report or a copy […]
The district attorney may submit an indictment to the grand jury in any case when the district attorney has good reason to believe that a crime has been committed which is triable within the county. [Amended by 1973 c.836 §47]
The district attorney, when required by the grand jury, must prepare indictments or presentments for it and attend its sittings to advise it in relation to its duties or to examine witnesses in its presence.
(1) If a grand juror knows or has reason to believe that a crime which is triable in the county has been committed, the grand juror shall disclose the same to the fellow jurors, who may thereupon investigate the same. (2) An indictment or presentment must not be found upon the statement of a grand […]
A grand jury may indict or present facts to the court for instruction as provided in ORS 132.370, with the concurrence of five of its members, if at least five jurors voting for indictment or presentment heard all the testimony relating to the person indicted or facts presented. [Amended by 1973 c.836 §49]
(1) When the grand jury is in doubt whether the facts, as shown by the evidence before it, constitute a crime in law or whether the same has ceased to be punishable by reason of lapse of time or a former acquittal or conviction, it may make a presentment of the facts to the court, […]
The grand jury may indict a person for a crime when it believes the person guilty thereof, whether such person has been held to answer for such crime or not. [Amended by 1973 c.836 §50]
The grand jury may find an indictment when all the evidence before it, taken together, is such as in its judgment would, if unexplained or uncontradicted, warrant a conviction by the trial jury. [Amended by 1973 c.836 §51]
An indictment, when found, shall be indorsed “a true bill,” and such indorsement signed by the foreman of the jury.
An indictment, when found and indorsed, as provided in ORS 132.400 and 132.580, shall be filed with the clerk of the court, in whose office it shall remain as a public record. Upon being designated by the district attorney as confidential and until after the arrest of a defendant who has not been held to […]
No grand juror, reporter or other person except the district attorney or a peace officer in the exercise of duties in effecting an arrest shall disclose any fact concerning any indictment while it is not subject to public inspection. [Amended by 1973 c.836 §53]
(1) When a person has been held to answer a criminal charge and the indictment in relation thereto is not found “a true bill,” the indictment must be indorsed “not a true bill,” which indorsement must be signed by the foreman and filed with the clerk of the court, in whose office it shall remain […]
(1) At least once yearly, a grand jury shall inquire into the condition and management of every correctional facility and youth correction facility as defined in ORS 162.135 in the county. (2) The grand jury is entitled to free access at all reasonable times to such correctional facilities and juvenile facilities, and, without charge, to […]