A grand jury is a body of seven persons drawn from the jurors in attendance upon the circuit court at a particular jury service term, having the qualifications prescribed by ORS 10.030 and sworn to inquire of crimes committed or triable within the county from which they are selected. [Amended by 1985 c.703 §22]
(1) Under the direction of the court, the clerk shall draw names at random from the names of jurors in attendance upon the court until the names of seven jurors are drawn and accepted by the court. The seven persons thus chosen shall constitute the grand jury. (2) When the court, in its discretion, considers […]
Neither the grand jury panel nor any individual juror may be challenged. A judge of the court or clerk of court, as defined in ORS 10.010, may at any time after a juror is drawn and before the juror is sworn excuse the juror from jury service for any reason prescribed in ORS 10.050. [Amended […]
The court shall appoint a foreman and an alternate foreman of the grand jury from the persons chosen to constitute that body. The alternate foreman shall have the duties and powers of the foreman in the absence of the foreman. [Amended by 1973 c.836 §37]
(1) Before the members of the grand jury enter upon the discharge of their duties, the following oath must be administered to them by or under the direction of the court: ______________________________________________________________________________ You, as grand jurors for the County of ______, do solemnly swear that you will diligently inquire into, and true presentment or indictment […]
When the grand jury is formed, the court shall charge it and give it such information as the court deems proper concerning the nature of its powers and duties, or charges for crime returned to the court or likely to come before the grand jury.
(1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section and ORS 132.250 and 132.260, no person other than the district attorney or a witness actually under examination shall be present during the sittings of the grand jury. (2) Upon a motion filed by the district attorney in the circuit court, the circuit […]
The foreman of the grand jury or, in the absence of the foreman, any other grand juror shall administer an oath to any witness appearing before the grand jury. [Amended by 1973 c.836 §40]
After the formation of the grand jury and before it is discharged, the court may: (1) Discharge a grand juror who: (a) Becomes sick, is out of the county or fails to appear when the grand jury is summoned to reconvene; (b) Is related, by affinity or consanguinity within the third degree, to the accused […]
When the jury service term is completed the grand jury must be discharged by the court; but the judge may, by an order made either in open court or at chambers anywhere in the judicial district and entered of record, stating the reasons, continue the grand jury in session for such period of time as […]