(1) When there is a vacancy in any elective county office other than the office of county judge or county commissioner, the county court or board of county commissioners shall appoint a person to perform the duties of the office until the vacancy is filled by election. (2) Except as provided in subsection (3) of […]
(1) When a vacancy occurs in the partisan elective office of county judge who does not exercise judicial functions or county commissioner, the remaining members of the county court or board of county commissioners of the county, pursuant to ORS 236.217, shall appoint a person qualified to hold office who is an elector of the […]
When any vacancy under ORS 236.215 exists in any partisan elective office of county judge who does not exercise judicial functions or county commissioner occupied by a member of a major political party and that vacancy is to be filled by an appointing authority as provided in ORS 236.215, the major political party pursuant to […]
(1) During the interval between the time when a vacancy occurs in any county office, except the office of county commissioner, and the time when the person appointed by the county court or board of county commissioners to fill the vacant office qualifies therefor, the chief deputy of the affected office shall perform all the […]
(1) If vacancies exist at the same time in all of the offices of members of a county governing body, two qualified persons shall be appointed by the Governor, and one by the appointees of the Governor, to perform the duties of the offices until the vacancies are filled as provided by law. If vacancies […]
Whenever suit has been commenced on the official bond of any delinquent treasurer, the delinquent treasurer may be removed by the county court of the county.